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Hitler’s Rise to Power 1933-1934
TASK: You need to make flash cards from these questions and answers or a mind map or
any other way you find it easy to revise and retain knowledge. You must revise this
knowledge for 10-15 minutes each day and it will go into your long-term memory. You will
be tested on this two weeks from when you receive the HW. If you have completed the
task accurately you should be getting between 8-10 correct.
Suggest FOUR personal qualities which helped Hitler come to power.
a. Brilliant speaker
b. Powerful image
c. Good organiser
d. Driven determination
What were the NINE reasons Hitler came to power in 1933
a. Long-term bitterness about Versailles
b. Ineffective Constitution of Weimar Republic
c. Money from rich businessmen
d. Propaganda machine
e. Programme which offered something to everyone
f. Attacks on opponents by SA
g. Personal qualities - especially speaking ability
h. Economic Depression
i. Recruited by Hindenburg
What date did Hitler become Chancellor?
a. 30 January 1933
List the EIGHT steps by which Hitler turned his position as Chancellor into that of Fuhrer?
a. Reichstag Fire - 27 Feb 1933
b. General Election - 5 March 1933
c. Enabling Act - 23 March 1933
d. Gestapo - 26 April 1933
e. Trade Unions banned - 2 May 1933
f. Opposition banned - 14 July 1933
g. Night of the Long Knives - 30 June 1934
h. Fuhrer - 19 August 1934
How did Hitler use the Reichstag Fire to his own advantage?
a. He whipped up opposition against the Communists who he said started it.
b. He was given emergency decrees to deal with the situation – and used these powers to
intimidate Communist voters and change the law declaring the Communist Party
What did Hitler’s Enabling Act allow him to do in March 1933?
a. Govern for four years without Parliament and make all other parties in the Reichstag
and local councils illegal, as well as, ban Trade Unions.
What was the Night of the Long Knives?
a. Elimination of final opponants politically and within the SA. Hitler sent his own men
to kill Ernst Rohm, Strasser and von Schleicher.
What title did Hitler give himself on the death of Hindenburg in 1934?
a. Combined the posts of President and Chancellor (Fuhrer) and made himself
Commander-in-Chief of the army.
What was a Gau?
a. A province – which Hitler reorganised Germany into with Gauleiters to look after
them (loyal Nazis).
Which Nazis was put in charge of propaganda and the German police?
a. Goebbels
b. Himler