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Expressive Arts in the Winds of Change:
Conference Art Gallery
10th International Conference of the
International Expressive Arts Therapy Association (IEATA)
March 14-17, 2013
DoubleTree Hotel, Berkeley, California, USA
Co-sponsored by California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS),
John F. Kennedy University (JFKU), and
Sofia University (formerly Institute of Transpersonal Psychology)
Art Submission Deadline: October 1, 2012
IEATA is accepting art submissions to be considered for an onsite art gallery.
How do we rise to meet the Winds of Change? Do we flail wildly in the violent
gusts? Do we stand firmly as the jet stream passes over us? Do we ride the winds
like ethereal surfers or like ribbons in the breeze? We invite you to contribute
designs that represent the relationship between art, change, and the world.
Send submissions to [email protected].
IEATA is a non-profit, professional organization founded in 1994 to encourage the creative spirit. Our
inclusive, culturally diverse organization supports expressive arts therapists, artists, educators,
consultants and others using integrative, multimodal arts processes for personal and community
growth and transformation.
PO Box 320399 San Francisco, California * 94132-0399 * 415.522.8959