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4th Lent Sunday C
You are very welcome to our parish mass, especially if you are visitors. Today
Jesus opens the eyes of a blind man, who worships him as the Lord. We are to
ask, how can I open wide my eyes to Jesus?
Penitential Rite
The man born blind came to Jesus
Lord have mercy
He made a paste with his spittle and daubed his eyes.
Christ have mercy
He washed in the pool of Siloam and now he can see
Lord have mercy
1 Sam 16
David is anointed as King
Psalm 22
The Lord is my shepherd, there is nothing I shall want
Eph 5
Rise from the dead and Christ will shine on you
Glory to you O Christ, you are the Word of God
I am the Light of the World says the Lord
anyone who follows me will have the light of life
St John gives us a marvelously, well-told story, with the willful blindness of the
Pharisees and the surprising, provocative answers of the man-born-blind, whom
Jesus cures.
The 9th chapter of God is really about us. Are we going about with our eyes tight
shut, or have we allowed the power of the Lord Jesus to flood our vision with his
light? This is a key sentence for you and me this morning. I am the light of the
world says the Lord, anyone who follows me will have the light of life.
This morning we have Sarah and Michael Kelly with us again. Sarah is to be
baptized at Easter. Today is a stage in their enlightenment. I hope that you will
welcome her and pray for her in the three weeks left before the Easter Vigil.
Think of the desperate situation of the ‘man-born-blind’ He could not work or look
after himself adequately. You heard how Jesus cured him. In fact John tells the
tale three times in the reading we have heard. The poor man loses patience with
his questioners in the end and mocks their incredulity. They throw him out and
Jesus finds him. Jesus asks the man a question. It is addressed to you and me
today, the listeners to the gospel here in Malvern in 2016. Do you believe in the
Son of Man?
This is the core of the matter. We are not dealing with a long ago miracle,
however dramatic. St John points a finger at you and me and asks us if we
believe. You and I have the mud paste washed from our eyes at our baptism. We
too have been to the pool of Siloam. Do you believe in the Son of Man?
The document announcing the Holy Year of Mercy is called “The Face of Mercy”
Jesus is the physical face of God’s mercy. Through the gospels we can look him
in the eye and hear him talking to us.
He existed for ever, before time and took flesh from our Lady’s womb, with her
consent and cooperation. We have not long celebrated Christmas. He spoke
powerfully and performed wonderful signs, as we have heard today. He also
upset the establishment and they feared disturbances. He was put to death on a
cross and buried in a borrowed tomb. His unexpected resurrections left them
scared and dumbfounded, but he calmed their fears. After Pentecost the apostles
were strengthened to go over the known world. They told people that Jesus is the
Lord and they must repent their sins and be baptized. The story doesn’t end
there. Peter and Paula and rest made men and women ‘disciples’ who dared the
trust. Today we are those disciples.
We are people who have been called
and we believe in the power of the same Lord.
The Liturgy asks us today is your life modeled on the Light of the world, or
do you walk in darkness? You and I are called to open our eyes wide to the
reality of the Lord’s coming. Are you here this morning out of habit? Have you
been coerced into coming? Have you made a return to the church (the company
of believers)? Does your heart burn when you hear a gospel like this from St
Jesus has called us not to be passive, sometimes even sullen Catholics. He has
called us to the Joy of the Gospel. We are members of God’s family. We aren’t
called to be passive. We are called to be intentional disciples, who have heard
Him and are glad to be following Him.
We pray that Sarah and Michael will see clearly. We ask the same thing for
ourselves this morning. Ask the Lord some questions during this mass.
How is my vision?
Am I seeing straight?
Show me what I have missed so far?
What do you want me to do to follow you more faithfully?
How do I establish a personal friendship with Jesus?
Do I have an over-riding vision that those who follow his path will find that it leads
to heaven?
Can the Lord give me the Light of Life?