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US History/Napp
Do Now: The Carter Presidency, 1977 – 1981
Domestic Policy:
- President Ford lost the 1976 Presidential
election to the Democratic candidate, Jimmy
Carter, in part because many Americans
identified Republicans with the Watergate
- Yet Carter was unable to solve some of the
nation’s problems
a) To deal with the energy crisis, Carter
created the Department of Energy,
increased the nation’s fuel reserves, and
sought a special tax on large automobiles,
and the power to ration gas, but Congress
denied him those powers
b) Stagflation continued with inflation and
interest rates soaring in 1979, partly due to
the oil crisis; Carter cut federal spending,
but inflation did not come down
c) Carter provided funds to clean up toxic
dumpsites; following an accident at the
Three Mile Island nuclear reactor in 1979,
Carter created the Nuclear Regulatory
Commission to develop stricter standards
for nuclear energy
d) Carter appointed women and minority
members to government posts; he also
sponsored a bill requiring public schools to
provide instruction to students in their
native language while trying to learn
~ Adapted from The Key to Understanding
U.S. History and Government
Name: _________________
Foreign Policy:
- Carter made human rights a very high
priority; he condemned apartheid in South
Africa, pressured the Soviet Union to allow
Soviet Jews to emigrate, and cut aid to
dictatorships that violated human rights
- Carter signed the Panama Canal Treaty in
1977, returning control of the Canal Zone to
Panama, except for the canal itself; the
United States agreed to turn over the canal
to Panama in 1999
- Egypt and Israel had fought one another
since 1948; In 1978, Carter invited Egypt’s
President Anwar Sadat and Israel’s Prime
Minister Menachem Begin to Camp David,
where an agreement was reached
a) Israel returned the Sinai Peninsula to
Egypt in exchange for a peace treaty and the
establishment of normal diplomatic
- Carter restored full diplomatic relations
with Communist China in 1979
- Détente with the Soviet Union ended when
the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan
a) Carter halted grain sales to the Soviets,
boycotted the 1980 Olympics in Moscow,
and advised the Senate to postpone
ratification of a new arms control
agreement, SALT II
- In 1979, a theocratic revolution occurred
in Iran, bringing Ayatollah Khomeini to
power; some Iranians resented the United
States for helping the Shah of Iran and
backing Israel
a) Iranian students seized the staff of the
U.S. embassy in Iran; the staff was held
hostage for 444 days; release occurred on
the day that Ronal Reagan became
1- Why did Ford lose the 1976 election?
2- How did Carter deal with the energy crisis?
3- What did Congress not allow Carter do to regarding the energy crisis?
4- What soared during the stagflation crisis?
5- What did Carter provide funds to clean up?
6- What happened at Three Mile Island?
7- What did Carter do in response to events at Three Mile Island?
8- Who did Carter appoint to government posts?
9- What did Carter require public schools to provide?
10- What did Carter make a high priority?
11- Provide examples of Carter’s high priority:
12- What did Carter sign in 1977?
13- What happened to the Panama Canal in 1999?
14- What had Egypt and Israel done since 1948?
15- Who did Carter invite to Camp David in 1978?
16- Explain the Camp David Accords.
17- What did China do regarding Communist China in 1979?
18- Why did détente end in 1979?
19- What actions did the United States take against the Soviet Union in 1979?
20- What happened in Iran in 1979?
21- What kind of government was brought to power in Iran in 1979?
22- Who was the Ayatollah Khomeini?
23- What happened to the staff of the U.S. embassy in Iran?
24- For how many days was the staff held hostage?
25- What was Carter unable to do and who finally gained the staff’s release?
Primary Source: Excerpt from Iran Students Seize U.S. Embassy, Want the Shah Returned
for Trial, by Reuters, 1979
Teheran, Iran, Nov. 4 – Moslem students stormed the United States Embassy in Teheran
today, seized about 90 Americans and vowed to stay there until the deposed Shah was sent
back from New York to face trial in Iran. There were no reports of casualties in the
takeover of the embassy building, although witnesses said some of the several hundred
attackers were armed.
A student spokesman told reporters at the embassy that 100 hostages had been taken and
that 90 percent of them were Americans. He said the embassy staff was being treated well.
In the holy city of Qum, a spokesman for Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini said the
occupation of the embassy had the revolutionary leader’s personal support.
[In New York City, a small group of Iranian students chained themselves to railings inside
the Statue of Liberty for three hours and unfurled a banner from the monument’s top
demanding that the deposed Shah be returned to Iran. Page A11.]
Iranian Revolutionary Guards at the embassy gates did not intervene during the attack,
which came as tens of thousands of people marched through the streets of the Iranian
capital on the first anniversary of the shooting of students at Teheran University by the
Shah’s security forces.
…“Today’s move by a group of our compatriots is a natural reaction to the U.S.
Government’s indifference to the hurt feelings of the Iranian people about the presence of
the deposed Shah, who is in the United States under the pretext of illness.
“If the U.S. authorities respected the feelings of the Iranian people and understood the
depth of the Iranian revolution, they should have at least not allowed the deposed Shah into
the country and should have returned his property.”
The students showed reporters embassy files captured in the raid. They said staff in the
building had been trying to burn documents when the embassy was taken over.
…The embassy takeover followed a series of strongly anti-American speeches by
Ayatollah Khomeini, who said recently he hoped reports that the former Shah, Mohammed
Riza Pahlevi, was dying of cancer were true. The Shah, who was deposed in the revolution
led by the Ayatollah last January, is being treated for cancer at New York Hospital-Cornell
Medical Center…
1- What did Iranian students do on November 4, 1979?
2- Why did Iranian students do this?
3- Why were many Iranians upset with the former Shah of Iran?
1. The Camp David accords negotiated
during President Jimmy Carter’s
administration were an attempt to
(1) decrease United States control of
the Panama Canal
(2) encourage the use of solar and
other nonpolluting energy sources
(3) end inflationary oil prices
(4) establish peace in the Middle East
2. “President Nixon Plans Trip to
China To Meet with Chairman Mao”
“President Carter Signs New
Panama Canal Treaty”
“President Clinton Concludes Trade
Agreement with Japan”
Each headline illustrates an action of
a President fulfilling his role as
head of his political party
Commander in Chief
chief diplomat
chief legislator
3. Which factor contributed most to
inflation in the United States during
the 1970s?
(1) high tariffs
(2) oil embargoes
(3) tax increases
(4) high unemployment
4. Which foreign policy agreement had
the most direct influence on the
Middle East?
(1) Kellogg-Briand Pact
(2) Yalta Conference declaration
(3) SALT I Treaty
(4) Camp David Accords
5. Which statement is most accurate
about the economy of the United
States during the 1970’s and early
(1) The increased cost of imported oil
hurt economic growth.
(2) The Federal budget was balanced.
(3) Inflation declined sharply
throughout these years.
(4) The number of jobs in farming
increased while service jobs
6. United States participation in the
Washington Conference (1921), in
the Kellogg-Briand Pact (1928), and
in the SALT talks of the 1970’s is
evidence that the United States
(1) has followed a free trade policy for
most of the 20th century
(2) relies on military alliances for
defense against aggression
(3) has been willing to cooperate with
other nations to reduce world
(4) believes that cultural exchange
programs are a way to promote
international understanding
7. The Washington Naval Conference
of 1921-22 and the SALT talks of the
1970’s between the United States and
the Soviet Union both reflect the
belief that
(1) civil wars within nations can
create international hostilities
(2) escalating military buildups
are one of the causes of war
(3) cultural exchange programs
can reduce world tensions
(4) rivalry between nations over
the control of natural
resources is the major cause
of conflict
Analyze the following images:
Explain the meaning of the political cartoon.
Explain the meaning of the political cartoon.
Explain the meaning of the political cartoon.
Explain the meaning of the cartoon. __________________