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HI 112 - Spring 2008
Study Sheet for Exam II:
You must have done all the readings from 3 March to 11 April. You must also have
decent notes of the lectures from 7 March up to (and including) 11 April, and you
must have looked at the relevant PowerPoint files on the course page. In addition,
you must study the handout pages on the revolutions of 1830 and 1848, Nationalism,
the First World War, and the Paris Peace Conferences.
Consider the questions, the terms to know, and the chronologies in WCiv. Also
consider the questions at the end of each assigned chapter in DWP. The questions
below deal only with the lectures and are meant to complement these questions.
Same as Exam I.
1. How did the statesman in Vienna try to reconstitute Europe? Which of their
approaches was traditional, which one was new?
2. Which were the main political positions of the early nineteenth century?
3. Why is the period 1815-1830 often called the age of reaction?
4. What were the patterns and results of the Revolutions of 1830?
5. How did Louis Philippe change the political system in France?
6. What caused the Revolutions of 1848?
7. Which patterns did the revolutions of 1848 display?
8. What were the achievements of the Revolutions of 1848 – in France and outside
of France? Why was Britain not affected?
9. What were the main characteristics of romanticism? How did romanticism
correlate to changes in love relationships?
10. What common spirit do liberalism, socialism, and nationalist betray?
11. What is the basic principle of liberalism?
12. Did liberals generally advocate universal manhood suffrage?
13. What is Utilitarianism?
14. What did Mill criticize about liberalism?
15. Which were Tocqueville's main concerns?
16. What were the main arguments of the socialists before Marx?
17. How did Marx interpret historical development?
18. Which categories have people used to define nationalism? What is wrong with
19. Concerning nationalism: read carefully the handout "Manifestations of
20. What was the Crimean War?
21. Which international climate made the unification of Italy and Germany possible?
What were the differences and the similarities of Italian and German unification?
22. How did Cavour's vision of Italy differ from Mazzini's and Garibaldi's?
23. Did Bismarck have a clear plan to unite Germany through war?
24. How complete was German unification, what did it leave out?
25. Which developments before 1870 had made German unification in the borders of
1871 more likely and feasible?
26. How did France become a consolidated state after 1871?
27. Which were the achievements and problems of Russian modernization after
28. What caused the Russian Revolution of 1905?
29. Why did consolidation fail in Austria-Hungary? What government did AustriaHungary have after 1867?
30. What happened to European population growth over the course of the nineteenth
century? How did the ratio between people on the land and people in the cities
31. Which priorities did organized labor have in the late nineteenth century?
32. What changes did the European countryside experience in the last decades of
the nineteenth century?
33. How did modernization affect traditional religion?
34. What is “modernism?”
35. In what sense was the rationalist mindset questioned in late nineteenth-century
36. Which were the myths and realities of the "new imperialism"?
37. What was new about the "new imperialism"?
38. What allowed Europeans to penetrate deeply into tropical territories?
39. What caused the outbreak of a world war in 1914? Distinguish between longterm and short-term causes.
40. Why was the Balkans region such a powder keg?
41. Which alliances existed in Europe 1871-1914? What were the most important
42. Why did most Europeans expect a short war in 1914?
43. Which arguments did the women’s movement use against the claims that women
are inferior and should not participate in politics. Consider differences between
the predominant British and the predominant German approach.
44. Why did the liberals generally oppose women’s vote?
45. Which alliances were involved in World War I, and how did they compare?
46. What was the course of the war on land and at sea? Why did it last so long?
47. What did the First World War mean for civilians in the warring countries? Why is
it often called the first “total war?”
48. How did Lenin revise Marxism? What did he stress in particular?
49. What caused the March 1917 revolution in Russia, and what did it achieve?
50. Why did the democratic regime not last in Russia?
51. What were Lenin’s priorities when he came to power?