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ISSN: 0214-9915
[email protected]
Universidad de Oviedo
Aparicio, Juan José
Los modelos animales en los actuales estudios sobre el aprendizaje humano
Psicothema, vol. 3, núm. 1, 1991, pp. 59-72
Universidad de Oviedo
Oviedo, España
Available in:
Animal models in current studies on human learning.- In this paper, the current contributions of animal research to contemporary
conceptions in human learning are analysed. Three areas of inquiry which are yielding important results to the progress of our
ideas about human learning are examined. First, the current status of the studies of operant conditioning, belonging to the
skinnerian tradition are described. Second, animal minimodels of human behavior and their application to the study of problematic
behaviors are explained, and, finally, the new views about pavlovian conditioning and their relationship with the modem conexionist
theories recently raised in human cognitive psychology are dealt with.
Classical conditioning; operant conditioning; conexionism.
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