Download Causes and Consequences of Changes in Marine Biodiversity: Invasive Species Heterosiphonia

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Causes and Consequences of Changes in Marine Biodiversity:
Invasive Species
Invasive species can have dramatic effects on areas in
which they invade, both ecologically and economically
Heterosiphonia japonica
Current invaded range of Heterosiphonia
Higher abundances of Heterosiphonia
are found in areas with lower biodiversity
Heterosiphonia rapidly expanded its invaded range >700km
within only five years of initial reports in Rhode Island. Factors
contributing to its success as an invasive species, such as rapid
growth rates and low palatability will be explored through field
and laboratory experiments.
Is Heterosiphonia reducing biodiversity by outcompeting native
species? Or are more diverse communities more resistant to
invasions? These questions are being explored through longterm underwater experiments.
Ecologically, invasive species can alter
community structure and food webs, as well
as impact native biodiversity
Economic impacts, such as reduced
recreation and tourism and the collapse of
fisheries can also result from invasive species
Christine Newton, PhD Student
[email protected]
This research is taking advantage of a new subtidal invasive seaweed to
document the spread and impacts of invaders across broad geographic
A better understanding of the invasion and ecological dynamics of marine
invasive species will allow coastal managers and stakeholders to make
informed decisions regarding clean-up and management of these fragile