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Your cat comes running when you open the
can of cat food.
What has he learned?
Classical or operant conditioning?
Conditioned stimulus?
Conditioned response?
Unconditioned stimulus?
Unconditioned response?
At the grocery store, you see a child
having a screaming fit because she
wanted some candy. First the mother
said “no” several times, but finally gave
in and bought the candy.
Positive or negative reinforcement?
For child?
For mother?
Child screaming in the store
Primary or secondary reinforcer ?
The child is taken to another store by
grandmother. She sees different
candies, but still screams for the
What is happening with a different
store, different person, and different
Both Jim and Tim work 8 hours a day.
Jim is a therapist and says he loves
his work.
Tim works at the factory and says he
just works for the money.
Intrinsic or extrinsic motivation?
You want to shape your boyfriend into picking you
up on time. In the past, he has always been two
hours late.
How would you do this?
Primary reinforcer
Secondary reinforcer
Intrinsic motivation
Extrinsic motivation
What competing factors are there?
You work at a pizza place.
The manager shows you how to make
the pizza.
What type of learning is going on?
At the pizza place, you get paid once a
Delayed or immediate reinforcement?
Primary or secondary reinforcer?
What reinforcement schedule are you
Fixed interval
You drive a truck, and get paid $1 for
every two miles you drive.
What reinforcement schedule are you
Fixed ratio
You tell your seven year old daughter,
that every time she makes her bed she
will get a dollar.
What reinforcement schedule is she
Continuous reinforcement
Your Psychology instructor stamps the
exam concepts at various times, even
if you did all of them on the same day.
What reinforcement schedule is he
Variable interval reinforcement
You are in Las Vegas playing the slot
machines. Sometimes you pull the
handle many times and get nothing,
then you get paid the next 2 times in a
What reinforcement schedule are you
Variable ratio
You give your child $1 for getting ready on time for
the bus each day.
After he has been doing this for a month, you stop
the payments. Very soon he stops being ready
when the bus comes.
What happened?
A month later, you start paying him again, and he
very quickly learns to get ready for the bus.
What happened?
Spontaneous recovery
You offer to give your son $10
immediately after he finishes washing
the car. He wants the money, but he
does not wash the car.
Why not?
Instead of washing the car, he goes to
a job interview for a new job.
What does this demonstrate?
Grand Theft Auto
Type of learning?
Additional risk factors?
Who do you think are most likely to re-enact
the scripts of violent video games?
Catharsis hypothesis
We become less aggressive if we vent our
Johnny, Sally, and Jimmy are 3,4,and6
years old. They are little terrors, hitting each
other, climbing on the furniture, jumping on
the couch, and screaming.
How could you use reward, punishment and
shaping to pet the kids to mind you and
quietly watch T.V.?
How can you increase the value to
them of getting your attention and
How are they being rewarded for not
minding you?
How is observational learning involved
in their behavior?
How does inconsistent punishment or
reinforcement affect their behavior?
Why does time out in the corner not
work? They just get up and keep
running around.
What would you do?