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The Five Themes of
Creating topic sentences from the
Five Themes in the Media
Humans Interacting on Earth
Movement: Humans Interacting on Earth
Topic Sentence Humans are continually
migrating from one place to another.
Support Sentences
• People in different place also interact
through travel.
• People share ideas and innovations
through complex communications network.
• Goods that improve people’s lives are
trade all over the world.
• Warfare has transformed people and
Movement: Humans Interacting on Earth
Application Sentences
Impact of movement (Positive or negative)
• Today, rapid technological change in
transportation and communication is
making the world much more
• Even without knowing it, people all over
the world are increasingly sharing ideas,
products, and ways of doing things.
Human-Environment Interaction
Human-Environmental Interaction
Topic Sentences
• In order to meet their needs, humans alter
natural settings or adapt to them in many
• The changes humans make reflect their
technology, their beliefs, their economic
and political systems, and many other
Human-Environmental Interaction
Support Sentences
• Humans make use of local plants,
animals, trees and mineral resources to
create shelter and clothing appropriate to
their climate.
• Developed cultures are able to modify
their environment by building bridges
across rivers to expedite travel.
Human-Environmental Interaction
Application Sentences
• The population explosion has added to all
sorts of environmental problems in many
parts of the world.
• Huge advances in medicine have
prevented many diseases and helped
more people survive into old age.
• In modern societies, farm machinery
makes it possible for one farmer to work
much larger amounts of land alone.
Topic Sentences
• A region is any area people think of as a
unit because of a common characteristic
of set of characteristics.
• Regions can be defined in an almost
limitless number of ways
Support Sentences
• Regions are units of geographical study.
• Regions are areas unified in terms of any
feature or set of features that people
choose to study.
• The features defining a region may be
found only in that area- for example, a
language only spoken there, or a unique
governmental unit of some sort.
Application Sentences
• The old Soviet Union, for example,
encompassed deserts, mountains, vast
plains, forests, and frozen tundra.
• The Arab culture, the Islamic religion and
the abundance of oil are some of the
important characteristics that define the
Middle East region.
Physical and Human
Topic Sentences
• Physical features helps to set off each
place from all others.
• Human activities and ideas also help to
shape the character of a place.
• The physical and human factors interact to
change the character and meaning of a
place over time.
Support Sentences
• Mountains, rivers, forests, lakes, soil, seacoast
and other physical features combine in different
ways to make each place on Earth unique.
• Technology, architecture, transportation and
cultural attitudes can shape the identity of a
• Over time nature forces can alter the physical
features of a place changing its unique identity.
Application Sentences
• North American tribes followed a pattern of
clearing and farming small areas for a few
years at a time, then moving on to clear
and farm other small areas.
• After European settlers took over, land
was cleared and farmed continuously.
• In 1989, communism in East Berlin, and all
of Eastern Europe. came to an end.
Location: Position on Earth
Topic Sentences
• It is important to be able to find exact
locations on earth’s surface.
• It is important to identify relative location or
the location of one place relative to
• Thinking clearly about spatial patterns
helps in understanding many historical
trends and social issues.
Support Sentences
• Location means the position of a place on
earth’s surface.
• Knowing how to read maps and globes
enables people to pinpoint any location on
earth’s surface precisely and measure its
distance from other locations accurately.
• An understanding of location provides a
sense of spatial patterns important to the
place under consideration.
Application Sentences
• Charts and graphs can add to the understanding
of relative location by displaying information
about population, resources, farms, languages,
religious groups and the spatial distribution of
many other features.
• A safe distance between two enemy nations in
an earlier age may no longer be safe in an age
of airplanes or nuclear missiles.