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Ancient Civilization
By: Amaure Tanner
Ancient Mesotzmia
To the Sumerians the work
of some people was more
important than the work of
others.Because of this ,the
divided their society. People
of different social classes
lived in different kinds of
homes.most people lived in
small mud homes built right
up against each other. Most
Ancient Egypt
Most Egytptians were
farmers who lived near the
Nile River.Their houses
usually had two or three
rooms.Egyptains believed
they could use their bodies
in their life death.Egyptains
believed they would be able
to use these things in in the
next life. By about 3500 B.C
Ancient India
Some small India Valley
villages grew into large
cites. Most cites had wide,
straight streets.Followers of
Hinduism is still believe in
many gods. They also
believe that a person’s soul
lives on after death and
returns to life in an new
body.Other Aryan ideas
Ancient China
To the ancient Chinese the
Family was the most important
part of society.Families were
usually large.Shi Huangdi and
those who gave him advice did
not believe in the ideas of
Confucius.They thought that
people were born good and
punished anyone who did not
obey.In 211 B.C a new dynasty
called the Qin took control of
Ancient Greece
Athens and Sparta were two of
the most important Greek citystates. The people of Athens and
Sparta had very different ways
of life.The Greeks believed that
their gods acted much like
humans.The gods became
angry, fought, fell in
love,laughed.In a democracy,
citizens make the decisions. All
free men over the age of 20
Ancient Rome
The first Roman emperors worked
to make the city of Rome
strong.Emperors ordered new
roads,canals,and public
buildings.Rome grew from a
small farming community into
one of the richest cites in the
world.At the center of Rome was
a public square called the forum.
Their In the forum Roman met to
talk about their government and
the news of the day.The Romans