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Chapter 8
Delivering Persuasive
Business Communication, 14e
Lehman and DuFrene
Business Communication, 14th edition by Lehman and DuFrene
2005 by South-Western, a division of Thomson Learning
Chapter 8
Planning a Persuasive Message
Know the product/service/idea
Use knowledge of receiver to
identify an appeal that focuses
on receiver benefits
Anticipate and address
possible resistance
Know precisely what action
you want the receiver to take
Business Communication, 14th edition by Lehman and DuFrene
2005 by South-Western, a division of Thomson Learning
Chapter 8
Principles for
Effective Persuasion
Keep paragraphs short
Use concrete nouns and
active verbs
Use specific language
Keep the spotlight on the
Stress a central selling
point or appeal
Use an inductive outline
Business Communication, 14th edition by Lehman and DuFrene
2005 by South-Western, a division of Thomson Learning
Chapter 8
Persuasive Outline:
When The Receiver Must
Be Persuaded
Begin with an attention-getter related to the
receiver’s needs
Introduce the product, service, or idea and
create interest by stating specific reader benefits
Create desire to respond positively by presenting
convincing evidence of the value to be gained
Encourage action by making it easy and
restating the main benefit
Business Communication, 14th edition by Lehman and DuFrene
2005 by South-Western, a division of Thomson Learning
Chapter 8
Attention Getters Should . . .
Introduce a relationship between
the receiver and the product,
service, or idea
Focus on a central selling feature
that addresses the receiver’s needs
Use an original approach
Business Communication, 14th edition by Lehman and DuFrene
2005 by South-Western, a division of Thomson Learning
Chapter 8
Introduction Section Should . . .
Transition logically from the
attention getter
Use action-oriented language
that helps the receiver sense
benefits to be gained from
product, service, or idea
Stress a central selling point
that addresses the receiver’s
Business Communication, 14th edition by Lehman and DuFrene
2005 by South-Western, a division of Thomson Learning
Chapter 8
Convincing Evidence Adds
Credibility by . . .
Business Communication, 14th edition by Lehman and DuFrene
Presenting and interpreting
factual evidence
Using objective language
Including testimonials,
guarantees, and enclosures
2005 by South-Western, a division of Thomson Learning
Chapter 8
Techniques for
Subordinating Price
Business Communication, 14th edition by Lehman and DuFrene
Introduce price only after
creating a desire
Use figures to illustrate price is
reasonable or results in
Invite comparison of like items
Include the central selling
point in the sentence that
introduces the price
2005 by South-Western, a division of Thomson Learning
Chapter 8
Action Ending Should . . .
Business Communication, 14th edition by Lehman and DuFrene
Make the action clear and
simple to complete
Restate the reward for taking
action (central selling point)
Provide an incentive for
quick action
Ask confidently for action
2005 by South-Western, a division of Thomson Learning
Chapter 8
E-mail — New Wave of
Persuasive Communication
“Opt-in” behavior invites e-mail contact
E-commerce marketer seeks a consumer’s
permission to send e-mail communications
Goal is to develop relationships with customers
who want to hear about the company’s products,
services, or information
Business Communication, 14th edition by Lehman and DuFrene
2005 by South-Western, a division of Thomson Learning