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Chapter 1-Section 1
 Francis Horn, a past president of the University of Rhode
Island, said, “Never before has it been so essential to learn to
separate the true from the false. We have come to put great
emphasis on education in science and engineering. But
speech, rather than science or engineering, may actually hold
the key to the future of our world.”
 Which is more important: speech or science?
Chapter 1, cont.
 Ethics: a sense of a person’s right or wrong.
 The Communication process:
 Sender: gives info
 Message: what is said
 Receiver: gets message
 Feedback: reactions
Chapter 1, cont.
 Communication barrier: an obstacle that gets in the way of
effective communication
 Attitude
 Social
 Educational
 Cultural
 Environmental
Ch.1, cont.-Verbal Communication
 To the sender:
 Think before you speak
 Articulate your words.
 Watch the receiver of your words to make sure they are getting
the message that you want them to
Ch. 1, cont.-Verbal Communication
 To the receiver:
 Ask questions
 Learn about issues and people
 Relate to the background and experiences of the people.
Ch.1, cont.-Nonverbal Communication
 NV Communication: body language
 Remember, in different cultures, nonverbal communication
means different things.
 Waving your hand is good-bye in America, but means no in
 Symbol-anything that stands for an idea and is used for
 Groups: Draw 5 symbols of the following:
 Birthdays
 Halloween
 Thanksgiving
 Christmas
 Easter
 4th of July
Journal 2-2
 What is a commercial you remember from when you were
young? Why do you remember it, and why was it effective?
Ch.1-Section 2
 Intrapersonal Communication: ability to conduct an inner
dialogue with yourself and to assess your thoughts, feelings,
and reactions.
 True Colors test, music, poetry
 Interpersonal Communication: ability to talk effectively to
Chapter 1, Section 2 Cont.
 Oratory, or rhetoric, is the art or study of “public speaking”
 The Greek philosopher, Aristotle, stated three methods for
appealing to audiences: logical, emotional, or personal.
Ch.1-Section 2
 An orator is a person who delivers information through a
speech effectively.
 Think of 5 great orators of our time. Choose one and write a
quick journal about why he or she is important.
Chapter 1- Section 2, Cont.
 Audience- Your audience is an important factor in
delivering your message.
Ex. Selling a cell phone to teenagers vs. selling a cell phone to senior
 Is this material appropriate for this group?
 How would I feel if I were asked that question?
 Am I giving my audience new information?
 Is my material too difficult or too easy for my audience?
How has the audience changed in 30
Emotional Appeal
Strike a chord by appealing to feelings (family, beauty, love,
hate, injustice, justice) Look at the pictures and emotion
Ethical/Reputation Appeal
 When you show your audience you have natural honesty
about you, or you appeal to “reputation”. Brands are also a
form of “ethical” appeal.
Logical Appeal
 You offer a logical appeal when you provide your audience
with factual evidence to prove your point.
With a partner…
 Find an advertisement and paste it on paper
 Then, answer the following questions:
 Who is the intended audience?
 Give an example of each appeal: logic, emotions, reputation
 What is the most effective appeal used by the advertisement?
 Would you purchase this product based on the ad?
Journal 2-3
After watching the video on Superbowl advertisements, why do
you think advertisement is so important in our culture? Do
you think corporations spend too much $$$$ to get your $$$$?
Ch. 1-Section 3
 Motivation: something, such as a need or desire, that causes a
person to act.
 What motivates you? Make a list of 5 things.
 Stereotyping means labeling every person in a group based on
“pre-conceived” ideas about that group.
Popular people
Think of the following occupations and how they are stereotyped:
Cooks vs. Chef
Police Officers
Construction Workers
What about this guy?
…and this person?
…and them?
Advertisement Appeals
 Bandwagon- “everybody” is doing it… why aren’t you?
 Transfer of masculine/feminine appeal- don’t you want to be
the perfect person?
 Snob appeal- Creates a feeling of envy or desire for the
product or those who buy the product
 Search for adventure- Don’t you want to live an adventurous
 Plain Folks- Ordinary people use this product
 Humor- It’s just funny…
Slogans… Catch Phrases
 "M&Ms melt in your mouth, not in your hand." - M&M
 "Don't leave home without it." - American Express
 "Reach out and touch someone" - AT&T
 “Eat fresh!” –Subway
Ad Design
 Get into groups (no more than 3 people)
 Design an ad for a product and particular target group
 Decide on your SLOGAN for your target audience. Also,
make a list of stereotypes and/or concerns for your
 We will be in the lab tomorrow to get your designs!
Chapter 1, section 3 (Conclusion),
Setting an Example
 Make a positive impression in your community
 Be an effective “communicator” by being a speaker and
person worthy of respect.
 Be honest and “ethical”