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The River
Merchant’s Wife:
A Letter
Li Po
•South East
Li Po
T’ang Dynasty
Golden Age of Poetry
Free spirited poetry
Graceful and lyrical style
Moved frequently
Lived in exile
Influenced by Taoist thought and Neo-Taost
• Poetry conveys his love for freedom
• The characters assumed by the
speaker of the poem, novel, or
short story.
• Not who the author actually is
• Often times in Chinese poetry,
the author and the speaker are
very different
• Persona (mask in Latin) think about
the author putting on a mask of the
character to reveal the story or
message through the character’s
point of view
• Song-like poem (ballad)
• Tells a story
The River Merchant’s Wife: A Letter
• Persona- the speaker is a young woman
waiting for the return of her husband
• Her husband has gone on a long and
dangerous journey up the Yangtze River
• Li Po has put on the “mask” of the rivermerchant’s wife to narrate this letter
What characters take on a different
• Hannah Montana
• Superman
• Batman
• Spiderman