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Nationalism After
War of 1812
Give examples of how nationalism took off
following the War of 1812.
• Authors Washington Irving and James Fenimore
Cooper gained international recognition
• North American Review debuted
• History books being written by Americans
• Washington, D.C. rose from the ashes
Three Part American System
1. Strong banking system
2. Protective tariff
3. Network of roads and canals
How would this three part system help to unify
the regions of the United States?
“The American System”
First coined the American System in 1824
In response to the dumping of British goods
Responded with Tariff of 1816
Put a 20-25% tariff on dutiable imports
Not high enough
Charter for Second Bank of the United States
passed in 1816 (first charter expired in 1811)
Only 2 of the 3 parts
• Lack of effective transportation
• Congress sought to distribute 1.5 million to the
• Madison vetoes it (unconstitutional—why?)
• States had to pay for improvements themselves
– Most improvements undertaken by Northern States
connecting to the West
– South remained isolated