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Chapter 7: Becoming a World Power
Section 1: The Imperialist Vision
Pages 262 – 267
A Desire for New Markets
• Imperialism is the economic and political domination
of a strong nation over weaker ones.
• Industrialized nations had placed high tariffs against
each other, forcing many nations to look elsewhere.
• To protect their investments, European nations began
exerting control over their African and Asian territory.
Some became colonies, many became protectorates,
the imperial power allowed to local rulers to stay in
control and protected them against invasion.
A Feeling of Superiority
• Social Darwinism: only the strongest nations will
• John Fiske, writer, argued that English speaking nations
had superior character.
• Known as Anglo-Saxonism, were popular in Britain and
• Manifest Destiny: U.S. expansion to the Pacific Ocean,
new destiny: expansion all over the world.
Building a Modern Navy
United States became more involved in foreign affairs.
1888: war was risked against Germany from taking control of Samoa in the South
1895: Mob in Chile attacked American sailors, U.S. threatened war against Chile if
reparations was not paid
1895: U.S. backed Venezuela in their war against England in a dispute over the
border of British Guiana
Calls for a new, larger, modern navy
The Influence of Sea Power upon History 1660-1783 by Captain Alfred T. Mahan,
officer at the U.S. Naval War College. Every major nation as had a strong navy:
England, Spain, France, Netherlands, etc.
Perry Opens Japan
• 1852: President Millard Fillmore forces Japan to trade with
the United States
• Commodore Matthew C. Perry traveled to Japan to have a
treaty signed
• July 8, 1853: 4 American war ships enter Tokyo Bay; display
impressed the Japanese
• Treaty of Kanagawa: U.S. received 2 Japanese ports and a
peace treaty with Japan. Japan was not open to western
Annexing Hawaii
With Asian trade growing, American ships needed ports to refuel
Severe recession hit Hawaii in 1872, fearing Hawaii would turn to England or
France for help, the U.S. exempted Hawaiian sugar cane from tariffs. Senate forced
Hawaii to open Pearl Harbor as an American port
1891: Queen Liliuokalani ascended to the Hawaiian monarchy, distrusting
American settlers, she tried to create a new constitution imposing her authority
Settlers, with help from Marines from the U.S.S. Boston overthrew the queen and
asked the United States to annex Hawaii
President Cleveland opposed imperialism and restored Queen Liliuokalani to
1898: U.S. annexes Hawaii
Diplomacy in Latin America
• U.S. bought raw material from Latin American countries, Latin
American countries bought manufacturing from Europe.
• 1889: U.S. invited all Latin American countries (Brazil, Mexico,
Columbia, Argentina, Venezuela, Peru, Cuba, Bolivia, Honduras, etc.,
Dominican Republic did not attend ) to a conference in Washington,
• Idea that the U.S. and Latin America should work together is called
• Created the Commercial Bureau of the American Republics, today
known as the Organization of American States (OAS)