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The Respiratory System
Breathe in
Breath out
What Does the Respiratory
System Do?
Brings oxygen in
Lets carbon dioxide out
Waste product made by the
Together, this system is called
The Pathway of Air...
Enters the body through mouth and
nasal cavities
Flows into the pharnyx (throat)
Then to the larynx (voice box)
The trachea (windpipe) then carries air
to the lungs
How Does it Flow?
The rib muscles and diaphragm pull air
in and out
contract = in
relax = out
What Controls Breathing Rate?
Centers in the brain stem detect carbon dioxide in the blood
Carbon dioxide is toxic = it must not build up in blood
Brain stem signals diaphragm to contract more = breathe faster =
rids system of excess carbon dioxide
When too little carbon dioxide, the opposite happens