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Welcome to science classroom
By Miss Penlapa Boonwong (Kruik)
The cute Teacher
At Chomsurang Uppathum school >///<
Circulatory system
(The human heart)
Teacher : Penlapa Boonwong
If you see a right atrium, clap your hand.
If you see a right atrium, clap your hand
If you see and want to know, then you really ought to show
If you see a right atrium, clap your hand.
If you see a left atrium, nod your head.
If you see a left atrium, nod your head.
If you see and want to know, then you really ought to show
If you see a left atrium, nod your head.
If you see a right ventricle, flap your wings.
If you see a right ventricle, flap your wings.
If you see and want to know, then you really ought to show
If you see a right ventricle, flap your wings
If you see a left ventricle, show your tongue.
If you see a left ventricle, show your tongue.
If you see and want to know ,then you really ought to show
If you see a left ventricle, show your tongue
If you see a bicuspid, shrug your waist.
If you see a bicuspid, shrug your waist.
If you see and want to know ,then you really ought to show
If you see a bicuspid, shrug your waist.
If you see a tricuspid, stamp your feet .
If you see a tricuspid, stamp your feet .
If you see and want to know ,then you really ought to show
If you see a tricuspid, stamp your feet .
If you see a human heart, do all six
1. clap your hand.
2. nod your head
3. flap your wings
4. show your tongue
5. shrug your waist.
6. stamp your feet
Right atrium
receives blood from the veins and, then moves
the blood to the right ventricle
Right ventricle
Left atrium
Left ventricle
pumps blood to the lungs
receives blood from the lungs where
the blood is re-oxygenated
sends blood to the organs and
muscles of the body.
stop the backward flow of blood
Watch the video
JIGSAW : Rearrange the pictures and
label the function of each part of the
Share your idea….
How do you keep your heart healthy?
Why should we keep our heart healthy?