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The Aztecs
 The
Aztecs originally lived in the
desert lands of Northern Mexico
 In 1168, Huitzilopochtli (wheets-eeloh-POCH-tlee), the God of the
Aztecs, commanded the people to
migrate south and told them to look
for an eagle perching on a cactus.
 There they should settle and build a
great city.
The Valley of Mexico
 For
over 150 years the Aztecs
travelled over mountain ranges and
through river valleys.
 In 1325 the Aztecs
arrived in the
“Valley of Mexico”
The Valley of Mexico
 It
was a wide plain with fertile land,
plentiful water and a mild climate
BUT many of thousands of people
already lived there.
 The only unoccupied land the Aztecs
could find was a swampy island at
one end of a broad lake.
 There they saw the eagle on the
 This
is where the Aztecs build the
home they called Tenochtitlan (Thenoch-TEE-tlahn) and over the next
200 years transformed the island
into one of the greatest cities the
world has ever seen
The Rocky Mountains
What do you think
about when you
look at a picture of
the Rocky
 Skiing? Hiking?
 Why are they an
Aztec Mountains
The Aztecs thought of mountains as being
a sacred or holy site
 Because of it’s height it brought people
closer to the Gods
 Based on this information why do you
suppose the Aztecs built pyramids?
 The mountains also provided a sense of
 The mountains also caused them many
problems – flash floods, mountains
blocked out rainclouds -droughts
Poetry was very highly
valued in Aztec
By creating poetry the
Aztecs felt they were
imitating their God
Ometeotl (oh-mehTHE-ohtl) the creator
of the universe
During peaceful times,
writing poetry was
considered the only
worthy pastime of an
Aztec warrior
Lake Texcoco
Lake Texcoco
Tenochtitlan and
provided safety
 The Aztecs built 3
bridges that
connected the
mainland but could
be destroyed for
 Floating
islands built in the water
around Tenochtitlan to grow crops.
Mexico City
 The
capital city of Mexico, Mexico
City, is built on the ruins of
The Spanish destroyed the city after they
conquered it in 1521 and built their city on
the Aztec ruins and the lake bed.
 A century later they brought in engineers
to drain the lake surrounding the city.
 Today more than 20 million people live in
Mexico City
Mexico City is Sinking
 To
provide water for this huge
population, the underground water
beneath the city is being drained.
 Because the water is being drained
faster than it can fill up the city is
 According to estimates, in the last
100 years the city has sunk more
than 900 meters.
Aztec Gods
 What
is religion?
 Why do we have religion?
 Why are there so many different
 Why do most religions have one
central God?
 In what ways do people sacrifice for
their God?
Aztecs believed
that they needed
the blood of
sacrificial victims
to give him
strength to
overcome the
nights darkness.
 He was the Aztec’s
tribal God and had
warlike aspects.
Tezcatipoca – Name
means “Smoking
Mirror”, most powerful
of the Gods, uses a
black mirror to see
visions of the future.
Also called Lord of the
Night Sky, he was
locked into eternal
battle with
The God of wind,
name means
“feathered serpent”
The priests offered
him flowers, incense
and birds.
He left Mexico after a
fight with
Tezcatlipoca, sailing to
the east on a raft of
snake skins.
The God of rain,
Tlaloc could
unleash deadly
floods or withhold
rains for years
causing drought
and famine.
 The Aztecs feared
him because he
controlled their
Human Sacrifice
 What
is it?
 Why is it practiced?
 Where does it come from?
 Does it still exist?
 2 videos
Human Sacrifice for the Aztecs
The Aztecs believed
that victim’s blood
nourished the gods
If the Gods were not
fed the blood the
Aztecs believed the
would grow sick and
die and then the world
would end.
One of the reasons
war was so important
was because it gave
them the opportunity
to capture new victims
You Wouldn’t Want to Be an Aztec
What do you think about Human
Modern Day Cults-Jonestown
People’s Temple cult from
California, moved
to Guyana, South
 Led by Jim Jones
Jim Jones
On November 18,
1978, 909 Temple
members died in
Jonestown, all but two
from apparent cyanide
Jones's 912 followers
were given a deadly
concoction of a purple
drink mixed with
cyanide, sedatives,
and tranquilizers.
Jones apparently shot
himself in the head.
September 11 – Why did it
 What
is your opinion of human
 Do some research, find out why it is
 Do you believe it was ok for the
Aztecs? Why? Why not?
 Is it ok now? Why? Why not?
Think About Your Values
What kinds of things would you be willing
to make the “ultimate sacrifice” for?
 What would compel you to ignore your
personal safety?
 Would you die for something?
 Religion, Family, Friends, Money,
Occupation, Love, Country, House,
Greater Good (9-11)?
 What is something or someone you value
and what would you give up for that
person or thing?
What/ who would you What would you give
want to help?
up to help them?
What is an Idol?
an image or
representation of a
god used as an
object of worship
(American Idol 2014:
Season 13 Episode 1
(Full Episode) 1:22:02
Why is the show
called American
Your Idol
Think about an Idol that you would want
to celebrate. It should represent
something non-material.
 What is their name?
 What are they in charge of?
 What would they look like?
 What would you do to keep them happy?
 Would you sacrifice anything for them?
 What holidays would you have for them?
 How would you celebrate those holidays?
Turquoise Mask of Xiuhtecuhtli the
god of fire; Aztec, 14th Century
Tibetan Religious Idols
Hindu Idols
 Full
sentences answering the
previous questions
 A coloured picture of your Idol
 Any additional photos/ pictures to
further explain your Idol, festivals
etc. (shrine, food, parties)