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Chapter 5: Slavery, Secession, and Civil War
5.1 Tensions Over Slavery
(27 Note Cards Required)
The students will explain the relationship between
growing north-south divisions and westward
The students will identity key events, issues, and
individuals relating to the causes, course, and
consequences of the Civil War.
System in which African-Americans were
bought, sold, and owned like property.
Second Middle Passage
Domestic slave trade that involved the migration
of African American slaves from the Upper South
to the Deep South and western territories/states.
Doctrine of Nullification
The belief that states have the right to nullify
(ignore or cancel) any federal law they believe
is unconstitutional.
State's Rights
Belief that the federal government should restrict
itself to powers specifically stated in the
Constitution, and that all else should be left to the
John C. Calhoun
A South Carolina senator during the 1800s (and,
for a time, Andrew Jackson's vice president) who
became a champion of state's rights and a
southern regional hero.
To leave the union.
South Carolina Nullification
Crisis (1832)
Crisis in 1832 when South Carolina threatened to
invoke the doctrine of nullification and secede
from the Union if offensive tariffs were not
Regional differences that divide different parts
of the country.
Pre-Civil War South.
Free Blacks
These African Americans were free either
because they had purchased their own freedom,
their masters had freed them for one reason or
another, or because they were born to free
Most worked as artisans, farmers, or simple
laborers, but a few owned businesses and some
even owned black slaves themselves.
People of color who had both black and white
Social reformers who wanted to end slavery.
William Lloyd Garrison
White abolitionist who founded an influential,
anti-slavery newspaper called The Liberator in
1831 and helped establish the American AntiSlavery Society.
Grimke Sisters
Sarah and Angelina Grimke were members of a
prominent slaveholding family in South Carolina
who became abolitionists and won national
acclaim for their passionate anti-slavery
Frederick Douglass
African American abolitionist who escaped slavery in
Maryland, educated himself and became the most
prominent African American speaker for the abolition
of slavery.
Nat Turner's Rebellion
Slave rebellion that occurred in Virginia in 1831.
Nat Turner organized a revolt in which 160 people (both
black and white) were killed.
Turner and nineteen others were hanged for their role in
the uprising, and slaves were no longer allowed to become
Slave Codes
Laws restricting the conduct and activities of
Missouri Compromise (1820)
It called for the admission of Missouri as a slave state and
Maine as a free state.
In addition, the southern boundary of Missouri, 36°30' N,
would become a dividing line for any new states admitted
to the Union.
All new states north of that line would be Free states, while
those to the south would be slave states; it was designed to
maintain the balance of power in Washington, DC.
Wilmot Proviso
Bill proposed by David Wilmot that advocated banning
slavery from any land taken from Mexico. Northerners
embraced the idea, but southerners denounced it.
Congress eventually voted down the Wilmot Proviso.
Popular Sovereignty
Meant that the people in certain states and
territories would vote on whether or not to
allow slavery.
Compromise of 1850
Political compromise that admitted California to the
Union as a free state and declared the unorganized
western territories free as well.
The Utah and New Mexico territories, however, were
allowed to decide the issue by popular sovereignty.
Fugitive Slave Law
This law was part of the Compromise of 1850 and
required that northern states forcibly return escaped
slaves to their owners in the South. Because the law was
unpopular in the North, however, many northern citizens
refused to obey it.
Kansas-Nebraska Act
This act allowed the previously free and unorganized
territories of Kansas and Nebraska to choose whether or
not to permit slavery by popular sovereignty.
Its guidelines effectively repealed the Missouri
Compromise and reignited the slavery issue. Resulted in
a bloody civil war within Kansas.
Bleeding Kansas
In 1856, popularity sovereignty emplaced in Kansas.
Both abolitionists and pro-slavery factions rushed
into Kansas, eventually setting up rival governments
as armed clashes between the two sides became
Charles Sumner
A fiery senator from Massachusetts who opposed
He was beaten with a cane in the Capitol by a
congressman from South Carolina after giving a speech
condemning slavery.
Dred Scott Decision
US Supreme Court case in which a slave, Dred
Scott, sued for his freedom.
The Court ruled that Scott had no right to sue
because, as a slave, he was not a citizen.
John Brown's Raid
Plot led by John Brown, in which he and a band of radical
abolitionists attacked the federal arsenal at Harper's Ferry
and seize weapons and give them to slaves who could then
rise up in armed rebellion.
Their plan failed and John Brown was hanged.