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Who voted for The Nazis?
Lesson starter:
What sort of person was Hitler at
Today we will learn why
people chose to vote
for the Nazi Party
By the end of this lesson we will
• Which groups voted for The Nazi Party
• How the Nazi Party was able to secure
their vote
Ex-Soldiers and The Army
• Hitler never stopped talking about The
Treaty of Versailles and the shame it
brought to Germany
• Ex WWI men agreed with these views
The Working Class
• Hitler considered the working class to
be very important
• He promised to reduce unemployment
The Middle and Upper Classes
• These people worried about Communism,
as it would make them lose wealth
• Hitler was opposed to Communism
• Women were over half of the electorate
(people who voted)
• They liked Hitler's family values
Anti-Jewish people
• Germany always had anti-Semitism, even
before Hitler
• These people liked Hitler’s anti-Semitic
• Hitler promised farmers higher prices
for their produce
• This would help those who had suffered
during The Depression
• The reason Hitler
was able to appeal
to all these people
was through
speeches and
• Propaganda –
writing or posters
that are created to
make people think a
certain way
• By 1932, The Nazis were the biggest party in
The Reichstag
• Hitler became Chancellor in 1933
• But there were still lots of non-Nazis in The
• Hitler knew he had to do something drastic
to establish full Nazi Control
With a partner, try and come up with
THREE possible things that Hitler might
do to try and establish Nazi control
Credit KU Question
Hitler gained support from many
groups in German society.
1. Why did Hitler have such widespread
support in Germany?
5 marks
Today’s Task
• With a partner design a Nazi
propaganda poster which appeals to one
group of German people
• Tell them why they should vote for your
Group roles:
•Group leader
•Resource manager
By the end of this lesson we will
• Which groups voted for The Nazi Party
• How the Nazi Party was able to secure
their vote