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Introduction to the OT World
Egypt in the time of Abram
Week 3, 8/18/2013
Gene Wright, [email protected]
Last week? Mesopotamia,
Abram and who is a Jew?
• Josephus describes the proselyte / convert as
one who adopts the Jewish customs, following
the laws of the Jews and worshiping God as
they do — one who has become a Jew
(Antiquities of the Jews 20:2)
• By this definition, Abram was a proselyte – a
Jew. Genetically, he was a Gentile.
• As was Isaac, Jacob, David, Jesus, you, me.
• This week?
Egypt in the
time of Abram
• Egypt ruled by 3
• Old Kingdom from
2650-2130 B.C. Time
when most pyramids
• Middle Kingdom from
2125-1550 B.C. Time
of Abram’s visit.
• New Kingdom from
1500 -1000 B.C. Time
of Exodus.
Egypt in the
time of Abram
• Egypt ruled by 3
• Old Kingdom from
2650-2130 B.C.
Time when most
pyramids built.
• Middle Kingdom
from 2125-1550
B.C. Time of
Abram’s visit.
• New Kingdom
from 1500 -1000
B.C. Time of
• Old Kingdom
2650 BC – 2134 BC
• Middle Kingdom
2125 BC – 1550 BC
• New Kingdom
1550 BC – 1295 BC
Three Kingdoms of Ancient Egypt
Pharaohs organized a
strong central state,
were absolute rulers,
and were considered
Egyptians built
pyramids at Giza.
Power struggles, crop
failures, and cost of
pyramids contributed
to the collapse of the
Old Kingdom.
Large drainage project
created arable farmland.
Traders had contacts
with Middle East and
Corruption and
rebellions were
Hyksos (foreign rulers)
invaded and occupied
the delta region. ~1900
to 1500 B.C.
Powerful pharaohs
created a large empire
that reached the
Euphrates River.
encouraged trade.
Ramses II expanded
Egyptian rule to Syria.
Egyptian power then
later declined.
Why did Abraham come
to Egypt? Genesis 12:10
• This first visit of Abram to Egypt, is
occasioned by the famine in the land
of promise. This land is watered by
periodic rains. A season of drought
brings on a famine.
Why did Abraham come to Egypt?
Genesis 12:10
• But in Egypt, the fertility of the soil
depends not on local showers, but on
the annual rise of the Nile, which is fed
by the rains of a far-distant mountain
• So when the land of Canaan was wasted
by drought and famine, Egypt was
generally so productive as to be the
granary of the neighboring countries.
• The low strip of fertile land
located on either side of the
Nile River
• The river flooded during the
annual inundation
• When the inundation subsided,
it left the earth soaked and
overlaid with a fresh layer of
black silt.
• Most farming occurred here
Floodplain of the Nile
Egypt in the time of Abram
Nile Delta
• Located in northern
Egypt where the Nile
River spreads out and
empties into the
Mediterranean Sea
• 140 miles of coastline,
70 miles in length
• Rich agricultural
• Most fertile soil in
• Belief that many gods
and goddesses ruled the
world and the afterlife
• Amon-Re: sun god
Osiris: god of the
underworld and of the
• The pharaoh was
believed to be a god as
well as a ruler
Falcon Headed
Sun God
• Belief in eternal life after death.
Relied on the Book of the Dead to help them
through the afterworld.
• Practiced mummification, the preservation of
the body for use in the next life.
Book of the Dead
Collection of spells, hymns, and prayers
intended to secure a safe passage to the
underworld for the deceased
Making paper from
What are hieroglyphics?
• Hieroglyphics is the picture writing
used in ancient Egypt. The word
hieroglyphics is made up of two Greek
words - hieros, which means sacred,
and glyphe, which means carving.
• The Egyptian hieroglyphic writing
system consists of several hundred
picture signs.
• The signs can be divided into two
classes, phonograms and ideograms.
Phonograms represent sounds, much as alphabet
letters do. Ideograms are signs that represent whole
words or concepts.
Egyptian goddess Isis, tomb painting, ca. 1360 BC.
Social Classes
Earthly leader; considered a god
Served gods and goddesses
Fought pharaoh’s wars
Made furniture, jewelry, and fabrics for
pharaohs and nobles, and provided for other needs
Worked in the fields and served the pharaoh
Egypt in the time of Abram
Contrast between Nile / Desert
Contrast between Nile / Desert
Egypt in the time of Abram
Sunset over Nile from Luxor
Egypt in the time of Abram
Sunset over Nile from Luxor
Egypt in the time of Abram
Sunset over Nile from Luxor
Egypt in the time of Abram
Egypt in the time of Abram
Egypt in the time of Abram
Egypt in the time of Abram
• So Abram comes to Egypt during the
Middle Kingdom because of a famine.
• He sees all the wonders of that culture.
• His primary worry is over the beauty of
his wife.
• All husbands would agree with that.
• Plagues strike Pharaoh’s house.
Probably more a warning than because
he has (yet) done anything wrong.
Egypt in the time of Abram
• With all that Abram sees in
Egypt, he leaves and returns to
the land of promise. Why?
• Faith.
• Next week? Hundreds of years
later, Moses in the land of Egypt
and the Exodus.