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Children and Adolescents Can Have
Serious Mental Health Issues
Like adults, children and adolescents can have mental
health disorders that interfere with the way they think, feel
and act. When untreated, mental health disorders can lead
to school failure, family conflicts, drug abuse, violence,
and even suicide.
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Which of the following is often a
warning sign of a mental health issue in
an adolescent?
Very angry most of the time, crying a lot or
overreacting to things
Often expresses feelings of worthlessness, guilt or
Unable to get over a loss or death of someone
All of the above
On the right track. . .
but you’re not done yet!
Most feelings of anger are a normal
reaction to some situations beyond
our control. However, if it is
constant, and a source cannot be
identified, it could be a more
serious mental health issue.
You are correct. . .but
keep going!
Watch out for ongoing
expressions of worthlessness.
Self-blame and feelings of
worthlessness are common
symptoms of depression and
may stand in the way of
seeking help.
Good answer
Don’t stop now!
People express grief differently.
There is no timetable for
bereavement or for its intensity.
If they are stuck in their grief, it
is important to help people
connect with a mental health
professional, or their physician.
You are awesome!
Mental Health Disorders are more common than many
realize. Studies show that at least one in five children and
adolescents have a mental health disorder. For more
information, contact the Substance Abuse and Mental Health
Services Administration at or
call 1-800-789-2647.
Thank you
From “your name”, your
Disability Program Navigator
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30-Second DPN Trainings are a National Disability Program Navigator collaborative effort.
Please contact your local DPN to add a friend or colleague to this list.
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