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Forms Of Matter and Energy
By Elizabeth Harris
Forms Of Energy
• There are five different forms of energy.
• Mechanical, Electromagnetic, Electrical,
Chemical and Thermal.
• Each form of energy has it’s own way of
What is Mechanical Energy?
• Mechanical Energy is energy due to
certain motions (kinetic) or positions
(potential) objects have when they collide.
The energy of motion.
• When skis on snow are sliding down a
mountain, mechanical energy is formed
between the two.
Electromagnetic Energy
• This energy is a form of light energy.
• Cell phones use electromagnetic energy to
function properly. As well as X-rays,
Ultraviolet rays, and other visual light like
microwaves use.
Electrical Energy?
• What is electrical energy? Electrical
energy is energy that is caused by
movement of electrons. Electrons are
negatively charged and are contained
inside atoms.
• Electrical Energy is easily transmitted
throughout things such as electricity lines
that power our lights and other appliances.
What is Chemical Energy?
• Chemical Energy is energy that is
released by chemical reactions.
• Digesting food in your stomach is a form of
chemical energy. When you digest food
bonds are broken between the atoms
which makes chemical energy.
What is thermal energy?
• Thermal means heat. So thermal energy is
a form of energy that occurs around heat
• The faster molecules move in atoms the
more heat is produced.
• An example of Thermal energy is friction.
When you rub your hands together you
create friction, or heat energy.
States of Energy
• How many states of energy are there?
There are two states of energy.
Potential and Kinetic.
Both states of energy apply to certain
forms of energy.
What is Potential Energy?
• Potential energy
is energy of
position- stored
• Potential energy
can appear in
many different
forms of energy.
What is Kinetic Energy you ask?
• Kinetic energy is the
energy of motion. The
faster an object moves,
the more kinetic energy
is built up.
• Kinetic energy must
depend on
mass and velocity.
• KE = ½(mass x
• Kg m2/s2 =
Newton*Meter= Joules
When Energy Converses.
• One common energy
converse involves
potential energy
changing into kinetic
energy. Or kinetic
energy- potential.
• An example would be:
When you drop a ball of
clay the force of the
gravity on the clay
coverts potential to
kinetic energy.
Other Conversations?
• Any form of energy can be
converted to another form.
• Energy can not be created of
destroyed as the law of
conversation of energy states.
• And example would be:
When Electromagnetic energy
comes in it produces light.
When the light is produced it
converts into heat.