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Anatomical terms , body sections
and body systems
Anatomy is the study of the physical structures
and parts which go to make up the human body .
Physiology is the study of how those structures
and parts function as systems and interrelate with
one another .
The Anatomical Position
• This position is the traditional
body position shown in text
books .
• It shows the figure standing
straight and facing forwards ,
feet included.
• The palms of the hands are
also turned to face forwards .
• The midline of the body is
located as running from the
top of the head straight down
the body to the ground
between the feet , dividing the
body into left and right .
The following list gives you the main
references .
• Anterior : refers to the front of the
body or front aspect of a structure
or body part .
• Posterior : refers to the back of
the body or back aspect of a
structure or body part .
• Inferior : refers to a part or
structure which is below another ;
Eg the stomach is inferior to the
• Superior refers to a part or
structure which is above
another Eg the liver is superior
to the bladder.
• Lateral refers to the outer
areas of the body furthest
away from the midline .
• Medial refers to the inner areas
of the body , closest to the
midline .
• Distal refers to the limbs ; this
would be an area of the leg or
arm ,foot or hand which is
furthest apart from the main
joint of that part .
• Proximal refers to the limbs ;
this would be an area of the
leg or arm , foot or hand which
is closest to the main joint of
that part .
More descriptive terms
• Superficial : refers to an area
which is closest to the surface
of the body .
• Deep: refers to an area which
is closest to the inner
structures of the body .
• Dorsal : refers to the back and
spine ,the upper surface of the
foot and back of the hand .
• Cranial : refers to the head .
• Ventral: refers to the front or
abdominal area of the body .
• Contra lateral: refers to an
area or structure which is on
the opposite side to .
• Ipsi lateral : refers to an area
or structure which is on the
same side as .
• Palmer : the anterior surface
of the hand
• Planter : the inferior surface of
the foot
Sections and planes of the body
• As well as the previous ones these terms refer to the ways in which
the body may be divided up into sections and planes .
• Median refers to a section dividing the body into two equal parts
down the mid line .
• Medial refers to a section or cut drawn close to the median .
• Transverse refers to a section cut across the body from side to side
• Coronal refers to a cut or plane dividing the body into equal or non
equal parts front and back as in taking the face off.
• Sagittal refers to a cut or plane made from front to back dividing the
body unequally as in slicing the arm or leg longitudinally
Cavities of the body
The body has four main cavities , these are:
The Cranial: containing the brain
The Thoracic: containing the major vessels , heart and lungs
The Abdominal: containing the digestive system .
The Pelvic : containing lower parts of the intestine and colon plus
the genito urinary organs .
There are further closed and visceral cavities they are:
The vertebral cavity, the pleural cavity, the cardiac and the
The Ventral cavity refers to the anterior of the torso.
The Dorsal cavity refers to the posterior of the torso.
Body systems
The Body Systems
We will be looking at the following systems .
Also Histology ….. The Cells and tissues
The Integumentary
The skeletal
The muscular
The cardio vascular
The lymphatic
The respiratory
The nervous
The endocrine
The digestive
The urinary
The reproductive