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Chapter 3
Growing and
_____ send messages from all
parts of your body to your brain.
the brain stem
motor nerves
sensory nerves
the thyroid gland
Sensory nerves
Send messages from all
parts of your body to your
Permanent teeth usually grow in
the prenatal period
Permanent teeth usually grow
All cells usually divide at the
same speed.
All cells usually divide at the
same speed.
The thyroid gland controls a
 hair color
 brain stem
 weight
 balance
The thyroid gland controls a
The prenatal growth period lasts
9 weeks
9 months
1 year
12 months
The prenatal growth period
usually lasts
9 months
Where is the pituitary gland
behind the eyes
The pituitary gland is located
in the
Your muscles keep growing
in length even after your
bones stop growing.
Your muscles keep growing
in length even after your
bones stop growing.
What parts of the bone actually
just the ends
They grow all over
the bottom end
the middle part
The parts of the bones that
actually grow are
the ends
The pituitary gland may not be
releasing enough __ if you never
have any growth spurts.
growth hormone
The pituitary gland may not
be releasing enough __ if you
never have any growth spurts.
growth hormone
If you damaged your cerebellum,
you might have trouble
remembering things
If you damaged your
cerebellum, you might have
You learn to recognize places and
people during
the prenatal period
You learn to recognize places
and people during
These are like chemical
motor nerves
are like chemical messengers.
The pituitary gland affects the
 entire body
 muscles
 head
 arms and legs
The pituitary gland affects
the entire body
Nutrients are moved from the blood to the
cells of bone & muscle tissue by
the cerebellum
the endocrine system
growth spurts
Nutrients are moved from the
blood to the cells of bone &
muscle tissue by
The brain is covered with folds &
grooves to
 fill up all the extra space as you grow
 allow the cerebellum to control
 store sensory messages from the body
 allow many neurons to be together in a
small space
The brain is covered with folds
& grooves to
Allow many neurons to
be together in a small
When a cell grows to a certain
size, it
starts getting smaller
When a cell grows to a
certain size, it
The thyroid gland is located in
neck area
middle part of the bone
The thyroid gland is located
in the
neck area