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Battle of Stalingrad- Turning pt in the Battle for the
Soviet Union. Last German offensive in USSR.
Battle of Midway- Turning pt of the Pacific. The
Japanese are on the defensive against the allies.
D-Day- Massive Allied invasion force that lands at
Normandy, France. Turing pt of the 20 century.
Battle of the Bulge- Last desperate gamble by Hitler
to defeat the Allies and force a peace treaty.
Island Hopping- Strategy of hopping from one island
to the next only taking the most crucial islands.
Manhattan Project- Secret American project to
develop the atomic bomb.
Doolittle’s Raid
 1939-1942 The Axis Powers
are winning
 April 1942 16 B-25 Bombers
bombed Tokyo
The bombs did little damage
but was a psychological victory
 May 1942 Battle of the Coral
New kind of warfare
Fought with planes
Allies lost more men and ships
but stopped Japan’s
southward advance
The Battle of Midway
 Turning Point of the Pacific
June 1942, Allied code
breakers decode a secret
Japanese message
Admiral Chester Nimitz
knew the Japanese targeted
The outnumbered Americans
destroyed 332 planes, 4
aircraft carriers, and a
support ship
Allied Offensive
 Battle of Guadalcanal
 Gen. Douglas MacArthur
develops “island hopping”
 By-pass Japanese
strongholds for less
defended islands
 Aug, 1942 U.S. Marines
attack Guadalcanal to
prevent massive Jap. Airbase
 After 6 months of fighting
the Japanese abandon the
“island of death” losing more
than 24,000 out of force of
Allies Fight Back in Europe and Africa
 The Battle of El Alamein
British forces led by Gen.
Montgomery “Monty”
push Gen Rommel’s
Afrika Corps back
Gen. Eisenhower “Ike” led
an American force from
Morocco which trapped
and crushed Germany’s
Afrika Corp in May 1943
Battle of Stalingrad
 Turning point in the East
 Aug. 1942, Germans begin
bombing raids
 By Nov. Germans control
90% of the city
 Could not force a surrender
before winter
 Soviets launch a
 Soviets force surrender and
begin to push the German
army back through Soviet
 German army of 330,000
was reduced to 90,000
Invasion of Italy
 July 1943 British and
American forces led by
Gen. Patton and Gen.
Montgomery invade the
island of Sicily
Conquered Sicily in 1
Toppled Mussolini from
Italy surrenders on Sept. 3
1943 and enter Rome in
June 1944
Operation Overlord
 June 6 1944, D-Day
 Gen. Eisenhower assembles
the largest land/sea invasion
in History
 Allies land on the beaches of
Normandy, France
 Allies took massive casualties
but held the beaches and
allowed troops/equipment to
be moved in
 Turning pt. of 20 century
 By Sept. they liberated
France, Belgium, and
Battle of the Bulge
 Dec. 16, 1944
Last German offensive of
the war
German tanks broke
through in the Ardennes
Although completely
surprised the Allies were
able to push the Germans
back through the Bulge
 The back of Germany
had been broken!
Victory in Europe
 May 8, 1945; V-E Day
9 million Allied and Soviet
troops approached Berlin
Hitler and Eva Braun
committed suicide on
April 30
Gen. Eisenhower and
President Truman accept
Germany’s unconditional
surrender on May 7
Victory in the Pacific
 Oct. 23, 1944; Battle of
Leyte Gulf
Gamble by Japan that didn’t
pay off and the Japanese
Navy was destroyed
Only army and kamikazes
stood between the Allies
and Japan
 Iwo Jima and Okinawa
 Japanese homeland islands
that were taken between
March and June
 Bloodiest battles of the war
 Japanese lost 100,000
troops to the Americans
 Manhattan Project
Secret project to develop the
atomic bomb led by Gen. Leslie
Groves and Dr. Robert
 Pres. Truman had to decide to
either use the bomb or invade the
Japanese island
Aug 6, 1945; The “Enola Gay”
drops atomic bomb on Hiroshima
70,000-80,000 people died in
the attack
Aug 9, 1945; 2nd bomb was
dropped on Nagasaki
More than 70,000 people were
immediately killed
 Aug. 14, 1945; V-J Day
Japan surrenders to Gen.
MacArthur on Sept. 2 1945
 What was the U.S. War Strategy in the Pacific?
 What were the turning pts in the Pacific, Soviet
Union, and Western Europe?
Who was “Ike”?
What was Hitler’s last gamble to win the war?
What was the significance of the Battle of Leyte Gulf?
What was the Manhattan Project?
How did WWII come to an end?