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U.S. History 2
• Chapter 15
Why did the U.S. ignore
Hitler as he rose to power?
• We had our own problems to worry about
What was FDR’s “Good
Neighbor Policy”?
• We would not interfere with other nations
Who was Benito Mussolini?
• Leader of Italy
What was his nickname?
• Il Duce
What did he promise?
• Rebuild the shattered economy
• Make Italy more powerful again
What is a Fascist?
• Nation and race are more important than
the individual
What is Totalitarian?
• Dictator – completely controlling all
aspects of life
What country did Italy invade
and when?
• Ethiopia
• October 1935
How would the Nazis make
Germany strong?
• Eliminating the differences between rich
and poor
What is an Aryan?
• Race of people with blond hair and blue
• Men over 6 feet tall
Who did Hitler blame for
Germany’s problems?
• Jews
What does Fuhrer mean?
• Supreme leader
When did Hitler become Fuhrer?
• 1934
Who were the Axis Powers?
When were they formed?
• Germany and Italy
• 1936
When did Hitler make Austria
part of Germany?
• March 1938
What was the Sudetenland?
• A German populated area of
What is appeasement?
• Giving into someone’s demands
Why did England and France
appease Germany?
• To avoid war
When did WWII begin?
• September 1, 1939
Over what area of land did the
war begin?
• Poland
What does Luftwaffe mean?
• Air force
What does Blitzkrieg mean?
• Lightning war
Why did the Japanese want to
expand their borders?
• Natural resources and they needed more
Why did Japan want Manchuria?
• Because of their resources
When did Japan invade
• September 1931
What was Chiang Kai-shek?
• Leader of China
Why were Americans alarmed
by the invasion of China?
• We wouldn’t be able to trade there
What were the Neutrality Acts?
• Laws to keep U.S. out of war
US History 2
Chapter 15
Section 2
What was the Maginot Line?
• System of heavily armed steel and
concrete bunkers built after WWI
• France’s first line of defense against
When did France surrender to
• June 22, 1940
When did Germany start its
invasion of Britain?
• Summer of 1940
What was the Blitz?
• Bombing of Britain
What does intervention mean?
• Interfering with the affairs of other
What does Isolationism mean?
• Stay out of other’s affairs – not getting
What was America First?
• Isolationism – people who wanted to stay
out of the war
What did they want?
• To stay out of Europe’s business
What was the Selective
Training and Service Act?
• First peace time draft
When was F.D.R. elected to a
third terFDRm?
• 1940
What was the Len-Lease Act?
• The U.S. would give arms to our allies
What actions did the U.S. take
against Japan?
• Cut off supplies and ended trade
U.S. History 2
Chapter 15
Section 3
When did the attack on Pearl
Harbor take place?
• December 7, 1941
When did the U.S. declare war
on Japan?
• December 8, 1941
What are Nisei?
• Japanese American units
What was D-Day?
• Invasion of Europe by Allies
Great Britain
Where did it take place?
• Normandy France
What was its code name?
• Operation Overlord
What was the Battle of the
• Final German offensive of the war
When did it take place?
• December 1944
What was the Holocaust?
• Mass murder (extermination) of the Jews
in Europe
Additional facts:
• Concentration camps – more efficient
• In concentration camps – 200 calories a
day with no fresh fruit, vegetables, fish,
or milk
• Nazi mobile killing unit – murdered Jews
behind the lines
• 34,000 people killed in 2 days
• Warsaw Ghetto – built walls so Jews
couldn’t escape
When did FDR die?
• April 12, 1945
Who became President?
• Harry Truman
When did Hitler die?
• April 30, 1945
When did Germany surrender?
• May 7, 1945
• unconditional
When did the Battle of
Guadalcanal take place?
• August 7, 1942
• First territory that Japan lost
How long did it last?
• 6 months
• Cool note:
• Navaho code (language) was used
When was the Atomic Bomb
• August 6, 1945
What was its name?
• Little Boy
What two places were bombed
by atomic weapons?
• Hiroshima
• Nagasaki
Why were they used?
• To end the war quickly and save American
Why was WWII so devastating?
• New weapons used
• Civilians targeted