Download U.S. History WWII Study Guide, CH 15

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U.S. History WWII Study Guide, CH 15-16
1. In 1922, the USSR is established in Russia. What type of government did it have, who was their leader,
and what does USSR stand for?
2. In 1922, the Italian King appointed who as the leader of its FASCIST government? Give his real name
and his nickname?
3. What type of government stresses nationalism, puts state interests above the individual, and has a
strong central leader with a small group of devoted party members making decisions?
4. In 1933, who was appointed the chancellor of Germany and what was the new German government
5. What is the shorter name given to the Nationalist Socialist German Worker’s Party?
6. What three things did the party above believe in?
7. In 1931, Japan’s military seizes control of what part of China? What did the League of Nations do?
8. Why was the Spanish Civil War important prior to WWII?
9. Hitler violates the Treaty of Versailles numerous times in the 1930’s, what does he do in March, 1938?
10. What was the meeting called in 1938, where French leader, Dladier, and British PM, Chamberlain,
meet with Hitler and appease him by giving him the Sudetenland?
11. Define appeasement?
12. In August, 1939, Hitler and Stalin sign the ______________ and commit never to attack each other?
13. On September 1, 1939, Hitler invades Poland. What happens on September 3rd?
14. What is Germany’s military strategy called and what does it mean in English?
15. France develops a system of underground fortifications along its border with Germany in what was
called the …?
15. April 9, 1940, Hitler invades ____________________ and capture the capital city on June 22, 1940.
16. What is the battle called where Germany launches an AIR WAR over Britain against the Royal Air
Force that rages through the summer and fall of 1940 ending on September 15? Who won?
17. What technology was invented that could track planes even in the dark?
18. Hitler’s systematic murder of 11 million people across Europe, including 6 million Jews?
19. Name three other groups targeted by Hitler during this time?
20. November 9-10, 1938, is when Nazi storm troopers attacked Jewish homes, businesses, and
synagogues and placed Jews in segregated Jewish areas known as GHETTOS is called the….?
21. The policy of genocide, which is the deliberate and systematic killing of an entire population of Jews
was called Hitler’s _________________ _________________________.
22. The United States allowed warring nations to pay cash for U.S. arms and transport them in their own
ships was called the ________________ _______ ___________________ system.
23. The Tripartite Pact was established on September 27, 1940, and included which three powers which
also became known as what?
24. In May of 1940, who was appointed Prime Minister of Great Britain?
25. This policy was established by FDR and said the U.S. would lend or lease arms and supplies to any
country whose _______________ was vital to the __________________ _________________ and was
called the Lend-Lease Act.
26. In July, 1941, Japan takes over French Indochina which is what three countries today?
27. The United States in response to Japan’s invasion of French Indochina cut off what vital resource?
28. Who was the leader of Japan’s military?
29. On December 7, 1941, Japan bombs what U.S. military port?
30. What happened on December 8th, 1941?
31. What happened on December 11th, 1941?
32. What vital ships were not positioned at Pearl Harbor during the bombing which allowed the United
States to respond rapidly to Japan’s aggression?
33. What group was established by Army Chief of Staff, George Marshall, and allowed women to serve in
Noncombat positions?
34. What did FDR pass to keep businesses from discriminating against African-Americans?
35. What was the name of the all black fighter squadron that won some of the military’s highest
commendations and fought in North Africa and Italy?
36. What was the name of the Japanese American infantry unit that were the most highly decorated unit
in the military during WWII?
37. What were three inventions created by science defense research?
38. Beginning in 1942, FDR assembles the greatest scientific to begin work on the building of the atomic
bomb known as the _______________________ ______________________.
39. Established by the U.S. government, this was funding given to soldiers returning home for education
and training?
40. As fear of the Japanese people took hold in America, they were confined to ____________________
____________________ for national security.
41. The U.S., Great Britain, France, and the USSR, along with many other countries were known as the…?
42. This was the name given to Germany’s invasion of the Soviet Union?
43. One of Germany’s first major defeats in WWII and forced Hitler to surrender to the USSR in Russia,
was a battle that lasted from August, 1942 through January, 1943. What was the battle called?
44. Lasting the entire length of the war, Hitler ordered submarine raids across the Atlantic to prevent
food and war materials from reaching Great Britain and the Soviet Union, known as the _____________
______ ________ _______________________.
45. Known as _______________________ ______________________, was the Allied invasion of Axiscontrolled North Africa, where the Allies engaged the German general ___________________
______________________, also known as the “Desert Fox.” Who won?
46. The invasion of Normandy on June 6, 1944, Operation Overlord, famously known as D-Day, was the
… ___________________________________________________________________________________
47. Who was the supreme allied commander of the D-day invasion?
48. Germany’s last offensive, catching the Allies by surprise, in December, 1944 and lasting until
February 9th, 1944, was called ____________________________________________. Who won?
49. With Germany in full retreat mode, what two countries are trying to get to Berlin first? Which one
was their first?
50. In February, 1945, Stalin, Churchill, and FDR met one last time to discuss what to do after the war,
what was the meeting called?
51. May 8, 1945, the war in Europe is over, what does VE stand for?
52. What happened to Adolf Hitler?
53. Nazi leaders were captured and charged with crimes against humanity, what were the trials called?
54. The Japanese invasion of the Philippines resulted in U.S. surrender, the Japanese took thousands of
soldiers as prisoners was war in which many lives were lost on the way to the POW camp, known as …?
55. After the bombing of Pearl Harbor, the US wanted to hit Japan on their own soil with the bombing of
Tokyo known as the ________________________ _______________.
56. Considered the turning point of the war in the Pacific, the ____________________ ____
_______________ was a decisive victory for the U.S. because the U.S. were able to break the code.
57. Used by the Japanese, these were suicide plane attacks called ____________________________.
58. Due to its strategic location and the airfield, in February, 1945, the U.S. launches an attack on the
island of ___________ _______________.
58. In April, 1945, the U.S. invaded the island of ____________________________, in a fight that lasted
until June and the Japanese using more than ____________ Kamikaze attacks.
59. ___________________ ____________________ was the U.S. plan to invade the big island of Japan.
60. On July 25, 1945, President _____________________ ordered the dropping of the atomic bombs.
61. On August 6, the city of ________________________ is bombed.
62. On August 9, the city of _________________________ is bombed.
63. The United States chose to drop the bombs based on numbers, there would be ___________ loss of
life using the bombs than going through with Operation Downfall.
64. Japan surrenders on ________________________________, known as V-J day, or
65. After the war, Germany is divided into four zones, what countries control each of the four zones?
66. This American General was in charge of the Pacific Fleet and stayed to help reshape Japan’s
economy, so much so, the Japanese constitution is still known today as the
67. The German code that was cracked at Britain’s Bletchley Park was called _____________________.
68. The U.S. code that was never broken by the Japanese was what language?