Download Descriptive statistics - Stockholm Bioinformatics Center

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Descriptive statistics
Open file Adstudy.sta
Go to Descriptive statistics
Find mean with a confident interval 95%, standard deviation,
skewdness and kurtosis for all measurements.
Make histograms
Go to Correlation matrices.
Check for all the correlations (Measures#01-24).
List all significant coefficients in default setting.
Change the confidence interval to p-value<0.01 and list all
significant coefficients.
Which of these measurements are correlated?
Produce a scatterplot between Measures #05 and #09.
Do the same for MALE and FEMALE groups separately.
Descriptive statistics
Test if MALE and FEMALE groups have identical response (ttest for independent samples by groups).
Create Box&Whisker plot for Measures# 07, 08, 09.
Test other Measures. What do the red lines mean?
Go back to Box&Whisker plot and change the Whisker value to
the Standard Error. What does the difference in Std.Err. between
MALE and FEMALE groups mean?
Go to Graph. Make histograms for Measures# 05, 07, 08 and 09
(with normal fit disabled) , and a scatterplot for Measures# 05 and
09 for the whole sample, and separately for MALE and FEMALE
groups. Do the same by Advert grouping.
Do Measures# 07, 08 and 09 have a normal distribution?