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The American Revolution (1776-1783)
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April 1775 – American Revolution begins (British vs. Colonists)
A. Lexington, Mass.– British wanted to capture radical leaders Sam Adams & John Hancock
1. Colonists warned by Paul Revere and William Dawes.
2. Minutemen – a volunteer group that are ready at a minute’s notice
B. Concord, Massachusetts – British wanted to seize colonial guns and supplies
May 1775 – Second Continental Congress meets (John Hancock, President)
A. Final plea made to King George III (It is called the Olive Branch Petition)
B. Continental Congress made plans for war.
C. George Washington chosen to command the Continental Army.
D. There was a call made for men and supplies to fight in the war.
July 1776 – Reasons for the Declaration of Independence
A. Colonists angered by George III’s hiring of Hessian soldiers.
B. This document would entitle captured American soldiers to be prisoners of war rather than
traitors to the King who could be tried for treason and hanged.
C. Thomas Paine’s pamphlet “Common Sense” (published in January 1776) urged the colonists to
seek independence.
D. Colonists gained confidence when they inflicted heavy casualties on the British at the Battle of
Bunker Hill (June 1775). This battle, which was won by the British, was the first major battle of
the war.
E. Colonists believed independence would help them receive liberty/freedom.
F. Footnote: On June 7, 1776 – Richard Henry Lee, a delegate to the Second Continental Congress,
rose at the meeting in Philadelphia and made the motion, “These colonies are, and of right ought
to be, free and independent states.” The motion was seconded by John Adams of
Basic Ideas of the Declaration of Independence (document adopted on July 4, 1776)
Author – Thomas Jefferson --- 56 delegates signed it.
Based upon the ideas of the English philosopher, John Locke, who nearly a century before had
defended the rights of the English to revolt against the king.
A. Philosophy of Gov’t
1. “All men are created equal.”
2. Gov’t gets all of its power from the governed.
3. If government goes against the people, the people have the right to change or end it and
set up a new government.
B. List of grievances against King George III
C. Conclusion – get independence
D. Footnote: The Liberty Bell was rung in Philadelphia, PA on July 8, 1776 to announce the
adoption of the Declaration of Independence.
Colonists’ feelings towards the American Revolution
A. 1/3rd for independence – these people were called Patriots (lower and middle class)
B. 1/3rd against independence – these people were called Loyalists/Tories (upper class: merchants,
land owners, and British officials)
C. 1/3rd didn’t fight – some small farmers and Quakers
Major Battles of the American Revolution
A. Lexington and Concord - 1775. Shots fired marked the opening of the war.
B. Battle of Bunker Hill - 1775. First major battle; moral victory for the colonies; British actually
won the battle.
C. Saratoga, NY - 1777. Turning point of the Revolution
1. Americans defeated the British here and captured General John Burgoyne.
2. The French government recognized American independence and signed a treaty of
alliance with the United States in 1778. This meant France openly would send men and
supplies to help the U.S. fight England.
D. Yorktown, VA - 1781 – final American victory in the Revolution.
British General Cornwallis and 8,000 troops surrendered here. British navy was to pick up the
British, but they were cut off by the French navy.
Treaty of Paris, 1783 - treaty that ended the war. American delegates sent to Paris to help with the
terms of the treaty included Ben Franklin, John Jay, and John Adams.
A. Terms of the treaty:
1. England recognized the independence of the United States of America.
2. U.S. boundaries set: U.S. would stretch north to Canada; south to Spanish owned
Florida; and west to Mississippi River.
3. Americans promised to remove troops from American land.
(Terms 3 and 4 would not be honored and would be part of the reason the U.S. and
England would fight another war – The War of 1812.)
Reasons for American Victory
A. Americans fighting on their own soil, for their homes, and for freedom.
B. Americans were superior wilderness fighters.
C. Americans had outstanding leaders such as Washington, Samuel Adams, Patrick Henry,
Thomas Jefferson, and John Adams.
And….Americans had the help of foreign soldiers such as Marquis de Lafayette from France
and Baron von Stueben from Prussia. This Prussian had helped General Washington train his
men at Valley Forge, Pennsylvania.
D. Foreign countries aided the U.S. in getting independence.
1. France
2. Poland
(These countries were enemies of England.)
3. Prussia
4. Spain
E. In England, public opinion on the war was divided. People were tired of fighting. Many wanted
to let the colonies have independence rather than go to war again.
Wartime Problems Facing the Colonies
A. Providing a government (if the colonies broke from England, they had to have their own
1. Second Continental Congress (May 1775) – set up to act as the central gov’t for the
a. John Hancock, President of this group
2. Congress got loans from foreign nations and from private citizens.
3. Haymon Solomon, a Jewish refugee from Russian rule in Poland and who was also a
New York banker, gave his entire fortune to the American cause.
4. Robert Morris, a Pennsylvania merchant and banker who served as Superintendent of
Finance, guaranteed government loans with his personal credit.
B. Maintaining an army
1. The Continental Army was made up of volunteers who served for short terms.
2. Most recruits were not properly trained or armed.
3. There was not enough gunpowder, cannons, or supplies for the American soldiers.
Effects of the American Revolution
A. In the United States
1. Political effects
a. 13 independent states loosely bound up by a central government Articles of Confederation - the first US constitution
b. Most states drafted or wrote a new state constitution which included a “Bill of
2. Economic effects
a. End of restriction on American trade, expansion, and livelihood.
b. End of restriction on movement west of Appalachian Mountains.
c. Break up of large estates, especially those belonging to the Tories.
d. Increase in number of small, independent farms
e. End of primogeniture - English tradition whereby the oldest son inherits all.
f. The war also brought problems: no naval protection and tariffs (high prices on
3. Moral/Religious effects
a. Most states constitutions guaranteed separation of church and state.
b. Criminal punishment was made more humane.
c. Slaves in the North were gradually freed.
B. In France
The French hoped to overthrow the absolute monarchy (all-powerful king) in France and set up a
democratic government. So the American Revolution inspired the French Revolution to take
place shortly.
C. Latin America
The Spanish colonies in the Western Hemisphere were thrilled by the success of the American
Revolution. While Spain was involved in the Napoleonic Wars in Europe (1799 – 1815), the
Spanish colonies followed the example of the United States and revolted for independence and
D. British Empire
1. The war discredited King George III and his efforts to make his position (king) more
2. This led to a gradual change in Britain’s strict policy toward her other possessions. (By
the mid 1800’s, the British had abandoned the mercantilistic idea that colonies existed
solely to enrich the mother country. To prevent colonial rebellion and to encourage
colonial loyalty, Britain gradually extended self-gov’t throughout her empire starting
with Canada in 1867.)
Vocabulary: Define the following terms or words
1. Radical – ready for change; extreme
2. Hessian – mercenaries; hired professionals
3. Treason – crimes against one’s country
4. Patriot – people who supported independence
5. constitution – written plan of government/formal plan of gov’t
6. Loyalists – people who stayed loyal to the King and opposed war for independence