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By Sage
Jupiter was
discovered by
 I have not a clue
when it was found
so find out yourself!
Like all planets Jupiter
was named after a
roman god. In Greek
Mythology terms the
god Jupiter is called
Jupiter was named
after Roman God Zeus
because Zeus is the
biggest god and the
planet Jupiter is the
biggest planet.
Jupiter’s red spot is actually a huge storm.
The red spot (or GRS) is -236 degrees to -260 degrees.
 All of the air is made up of 90% Hydrogen
10% Helium and .07% methane.
 The length of a day on Jupiter is 9.8 Earth
hours.The length of 1 revolution around the
sun for Jupiter is 11.86 Earth years.
 Jupiter’s surface is made of gas.
If you go to Jupiter
you might want to
wear a space suit
 You should wear at
least 3 layers.
(because it is cold
If you appear to go
there then will
probably want to
see the GRS!
 If you want to know
how much a 100
pound man weighs
on Jupiter then look
somewhere else
because I don’t
Nasa sight
The planets
Animation by Noah W.
By Sage A.P.