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Early Middle Ages: 500 – 1000
High Middle Ages: 1000 – 1250
Late Middle Ages: 1250 - 1500
Early Middle
• Dark Ages (500 CE- 1000 CE)- scholars named
this as a time when the forces of darkness
(barbarians) overwhelmed the forces of light
(Romans) … I don’t like the term Dark Ages!
• Rise of influence of barbarians as Roman
Emperors had granted barbarian mercenaries
land with the Roman Empire in return for military
service and it was these barbarians who
eventually became the new rulers
The beginning…Early Middle Ages
• Decline of Roman Empire
• Latin- “medium aevum”
means “middle age” and is
source of English word
Europe in the 6c
From Rome to Constantinople
• (former city of Byzantium) became new capital and
control centre for Roman Empire
• Was largest city by population in the world west of China
• Strategic location on trade routes
• One of largest natural harbours in the world linked the
east and west
• Byzantine gold coin (bezant) was the main currency of
international trade
• Ruled provinces by Roman model (governors,
bureaucracy and imperial army, heavy taxation and
favouring of royal family and priests in trade and taxes
The Medieval Catholic Church
 filled the power vacuum left from the
collapse of the classical world.
 monasticism:
 St. Benedict – Benedictine Rule of
poverty, chastity, and obedience.
 provided schools for the children of
the upper class.
 inns, hospitals, refuge in times of war.
 libraries & scriptoria to copy books
and illuminated manuscripts.
 monks  missionaries to the
barbarians. [St. Patrick, St. Boniface]
A Medieval Monastery: The Scriptorium
Illuminated Manuscripts
The Power of the Medieval Church
 bishops and abbots played a large part in
the feudal system.
 the church controlled about 1/3 of the
land in Western Europe.
 tried to curb feudal warfare  only 40
days a year for combat.
 curb heresies  crusades; Inquisition
 tithe  1/10 tax on your assets given to
the church.
 Peter’s Pence  1 penny per person
[paid by the peasants].
You scratch my back…
I’ll scratch yours….
• Church was granted favours by
Roman Emperors / Kings (land, exemption from taxes,
immunity in courts, positions in courts) and in return the
Church would endorse kings to help secure their rule
• Kings looked to Church to supply educated administrators
to help run kingdoms and in return kings would enforce
laws that prohibited other religions
• Eventually in 11th Century, Church split into two
independent branches Eastern Orthodox (Greek) based in
Constantinople and Roman Catholic in Rome
Justinian Bieber The Great
Justinian the Great
(ruled 527-565 CE)
• Byzantine Emperor
• goal to reunite the Roman world as a
Christian Empire and suppressed all
• Ordered the codification of Roman
laws in the Justinian Code or “Body of
Civil Law” that defined civil law in the
Middle Ages and the modern world
• During his reign Latin was the official
language of the Byzantine Empire,
but was later changed to Greek
(another difference between two
Byzantine Empire in 6th Century
It’s all Mine!
• Merovingian is derived from the leader of the
tribe of Franks
• First dynasty after the Romans and ruled for 300 years
• Leader in 481 CE was Clovis I- he united Frankish
tribes and expanded territory
• His conversion to Christianity won him support from
the Church
• Merovingian's founded and built many monasteries,
churches and palaces and spread Christianity
throughout Western Europe
• Rise of aristocratic Charles Martel who dominated
Frankish kingdom in 8th century
• He confiscated land given to Church and began
Church reforms that would restore spirituality to
clerical life
• His son Pepin the Short continued
Church reforms and eventually
with the support of reformed
Church, removed last
Merovingian king from throne
• Established the Carolingian
dynasty, named to protect the
papacy and establish the pope
and bishops are the makers of kings
• Greatest legacy was Charles
the Great, or Charlemagne
Charlemagne: 742 to 814
The Holy Roman Empire
& Charlemagne
• Charlemagne (Charles the Great) who was a
military general and restored Pope Leo III who had
been exiled
• In return, Leo placed a crown on Charlemagne and
named him the “Emperor of the Romans” which
secured the relationship between Frankish kings
and the papacy
• Charlemagne became the first ruler of the Holy
Roman Empire, a dynasty that would last for more
than 700 years
• Charlemagne- imposed order on empire through
the Church and state
• Ordered the standardization of Latin, textbooks,
manuals for preaching, schools for clergy and
people, new form of handwriting
• All these promoted education and scholars and
produced a precise written language (Latin)
Charlemagne’s Empire
Pope Crowned Charlemagne
Holy Roman Emperor: Dec. 25, 800
High Middle Ages
• Peace of God= a set of decrees issued in 989 CE that prohibited
stealing church property, assaulting clerics, peasants and women
with the threat of excommunication from Church
• were set to protect the unarmed populace by limiting warfare in
• Truce of God= set in 1027 CE and outlawed all fighting from
Thursday to Monday morning, on important feast days and during
religious days
• Truce encouraged idea that the only combat pleasing to God was in
the defence of Christendom (idea of the righteousness of holy war)
• 1095 CE Pope Urban II referred to Truce of God when calling knights
to the first Crusade in support of Christians
Popular Faith
• Sacraments in everyday life
• Veneration of the Saints
- Local saints and martyrs venerated
• Pilgramage
New Orders
• Franciscans- St. Francis of Assisi
• Dominicans- St. Dominic de Guzman
• Defense against heresy, support church
teachings, assist the poor and teach
• “Outside of the walls”
• Church court that tried alleged heretics
• Did not punish with corporal punishment
but turned them over to civil society.
• Power of inquisition often abused by overzealous churchmen
A political, economic, and social
system based on loyalty and
military service.
• Increasing violence and lawless
• Weak turn to the strong for protection,
strong want something from the weak
• Feudalism= relationship between
those ranked in a chain of association
(kings, vassals, lords, knights, serfs)
• Feudalism worked because of the
notion of mutual obligation, or
voluntary co-operation from serf to
• A man’s word was the cornerstone of
social life
Key terms
• Fief = land given by a lord in return
for a vassal’s military service and
oath of loyalty
• Serfs= aka villeins or common
peasants who worked the lords land
Carcassonne: A Medieval Castle
Chivalry: A Code of Honor and Behavior
Life on the Medieval Manor
Serfs at work
Agricultural Revolution
• A lot of changes in farming…
• Increased population
• Increased wealth
Thanks to…
Improved growing conditions
More land cleared
Use of iron plows
Shift from two-field to three-field rotation
Pope Urban II: Preaching a Crusade
Setting Out on Crusade
Christian Crusades: East and West
Late Middle Ages
• Black Death
• a devastating
pandemic that
first struck
Europe in the
mid 14th century
• killed about a
third of Europe’s
population, an
estimated 34
million people.
The Bubonic Plague
• Called “black death” because of striking symptom
of the disease, in which sufferers' skin would
blacken due to hemorrhages under the skin
• Spread by fleas and rats
• painful lymph node swellings called buboes
• buboes in the groin and armpits, which ooze pus
and blood.
• damage to the skin and underlying tissue until
they were covered in dark blotches
• Most victims died within four to seven days after
• Caused massive depopulation and change
in social structure