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Unit 3 Review (Chapters 11-13)
_______________________________ grew and spread in Europe during the Dark Ages because it provided stability
during a chaotic time and in some cases, the Church offered social services to the less fortunate, taking the place of
The following contributed to the development of ___________________ in Europe.
Charlemagne’s empire was divided into three parts after his death.
Kings were off fighting in foreign lands, so local leaders had to provide protection.
The Catholic Church grew in power and prestige in Europe.
The ___________________________ was a document that was used to strengthen the idea that a monarch’s power
was limited, not absolute.
________________________________ founded the Carolingian Empire, and was crowned as the first
Holy Roman Emperor by the Pope.
The chief goal of the _________________________ was to recover Jerusalem and the Holy Land from the Muslim
“In the year 1349 there occurred the greatest epidemic that ever happened. Death went from one end of the earth to
the other. . . . This epidemic also came to Strasbourg in the summer of the above-mentioned year, and it is estimated
that about sixteen thousand people died.
In the matter of this plague the Jews throughout the world were accused in all lands as having caused it through the
poison which they are said to have put into the water and the wells—that is what they were accused of—and for this
reason the Jews were burned all the way to the Mediterranean into Germany.”
—Jacob von Königshofen, The Cremation of the Strasbourg Jews
Based on this quotation, the writer himself believes that Jews were unfairly accused of causing the
A. The Crusades
B. The Great Schism
C. The Council of Constance
1. ____________________
A. Charlemagne brings schools, learning, and culture to France
B. Charlemagne dies
2. ____________________
C. Charlemagne is crowned emperor of Rome
A. The Magna Carta is signed
B. Mean and cruel King John takes power in England
C. William the Conqueror invades England
3. ____________________
A. The 5th Crusade
B. The 1st Crusade
C. The 2nd Crusade
4. ____________________
A. The Early Middle Ages
B. Constantine and The Holy Roman Empire
C. The High Middle Ages
5. ____________________
1. Under the ______________ Empire’s rule, China suffered constant threats of death and destruction.
2. The __________ Dynasty restored the glory of the Chinese Empire.
3. Korea was strongly influenced by _________________ culture, but also maintained it’s own identity.
4. Countries of Southeast Asia mixed their own ____________ with those of China and India.
5. Ties with China and Korea strongly influenced early ____________ culture.
6. The weakened defense of the old Roman borders cleared the path for Muslim/Arabic
speaking groups to invade ____________________.
7. ______________ was crowned Roman emperor, ruler of a large empire in western Europe.
8. Charlemagne’s rule encouraged culture and _____________ to develop in western Europe.
9. _________________ benefited both lords and peasants, even though they still lived poor lives.
10. Men and women in the Middle Ages took part in the _______________ Churches either as members
or as monks and nuns.
11. During the Middle Ages, the authority of the Church could be seen in the power of the pope
and in lavish ____________________.
12. A variety of causes led to religious wars called the _________________, which lasted about centuries.
13. During the First Crusade, __________________ was re-captured.
14. The development of trade fairs and trade centers created an interest in western European
trade in the later __________________.
15. The growth in ____________ was linked to the growth and development of towns and cities across
16. In the fourteenth century, western Europe suffered a series of disasters, in particular, the
plague called the ___________________.
17. The later Middle ages witnessed such cultural growths as the beginnings of _______________
and the development of literature.
18. _________________ arose in England as the result of the growth of royal power (Kings).
19. For more than a century, the ________________ was troubled by its physical separation from
Rome and by rival popes claiming authority.
20. Even in the fourteenth century, debates and problems within the ______________________
Church still had not been completely and permanently settled.
Know all the words which are on your crossword.
Every one of those will be a matching question on your test.
Questions 1-6
Questions 1-21