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TAKEOFF Seed Fund Awarded Projects
Researchers from the Department of Systems and Control
Engineering and the Centre for Biomedical Cybernetics have been
performing research in brain-computer interfacing for several years.
Their recent work led to a real-time brain-controlled music player
which received widespread international interest and recognition.
The group, made up of Rosanne Zerafa, Tracey Camilleri, Owen
Falzon and Kenneth Camilleri, has now been awarded seed funding
from the TAKEOFF Seed Fund to develop a product prototype of this
brain-controlled device with the objective of making brain control
more accessible. Further information about the group's research
may be found at:
Chest wall reconstruction surgery is a common procedure, in which
a portion of the patient's chest wall is removed. This operation is
mostly used to treat cancer invading the lungs or ribs. This project,
which is carried out in collaboration with the Department of
Anatomy, concerns the further development, testing and ultimately
commercialisation of an artificial rib bridge, in order to safely and
effectively reconstruct chest wall defects.