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Cell Division Gone Wrong
Cancer is a group of diseases in which cells grow and divide
out of control.
The DNA that controls the cell cycle is mutated.
Checkpoints in the cell cycle that stop cell division or kill the
cell fail.
A tumour is a mass of cells that continues to grow and serves
no function for the body.
Benign tumours are not cancerous but they can crowd
surrounding cells.
Malignant tumours are cancerous. They can interfere with or
destroy surrounding tissues.
Metastasis can occur
when cancer cells break
away from the original
tumour and establish
tumour elsewhere in the
Causes of Cancer
Random mutations to a cell’s DNA
 Viruses (e.g. HPV)
 Radiation (e.g. UV rays, X-rays)
Chemicals (e.g. alcohol, tobacco smoke, cured meats
industrial chemicals
Hereditary factors
 Can increase the chances of getting cancer, but do not
guarantee cancer.
Cancer Screening
Mammogram (for breast cancer)
PAP test (for cervical cancer)
PSA test (for prostate cancer)
Reducing the Risk of Cancer