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Welcome and thank
you for coming!
Breast Cancer is Ageless!
•Breast Cancer is the most common cause
of death in women over age 65.
•A study in England concluded that women
believe they are not at risk of breast cancer
after age 65.
•In reality, the risk of Breast Cancer
INCREASES with age.
•75% of all Breast Cancers occur in women
over age 50.
•Breast Cancer is not a death
•If you find cancer early it is
•Do not be scared to see a
doctor or to practice self breast
•A mammogram and breast exam
can provide peace of mind!
•Mammograms are your best
defense against Breast Cancer
•Mammograms can find breast
cancer before a lump can be felt
•Finding Breast Cancer early gives
women the greatest chance of survival
•Don’t take chances with your health,
make an appointment for a mammogram
What is a Mammogram?
•A Mammogram is an x-ray picture
that can detect Breast Cancer.
•You should not be concerned
about the risk of radiation from
Mammograms because it is a lowdose ex-ray.
What can I expect
during a
Reasons Women do not get regular
Reason #1: No one in my family has
ever had Breast Cancer
While it is true that family history is
a risk factor for Breast Cancer, 80%
of women who get breast cancer
have no family history!
Reason #2: I’m too old to get
Breast Cancer
•The chances of Breast
Cancer increase with age!
•Women aged 65 and older are
twice as likely as women ages
40 to 65 to be diagnosed with
Breast Cancer!
Reason #3: The Test Hurts
Some women experience discomfort
during a mammogram. The breast is
actually only compressed for a few
seconds. Compression is needed for a
clear x-ray of the breast. The whole
mammogram only takes around 15
To Combat Mammogram
Take an Advil or Tylenol two hours
before the Mammogram, cut down on
Caffeine for about a week before the
Mammogram, and just relax (we brought
a relaxation exercise for you!)
Reason #4: I cannot afford a
There are several programs out
there to help pay for Mammograms.
MBCHP can help women access
Medicare or other supplemental
insurance may cover services as
Reason #5: My doctor doesn’t seem to
think Mammograms are important.
Unfortunately, some doctors do not refer
older women for mammograms. You
may need to ask your doctor for a
Express to your doctor what you learned
today! Remember, it is your health!
Reason #6: I don’t want to know
if I have Breast Cancer
Breast Cancer is often
called the disease
women fear the most.
However, if Breast
Cancer is detected early
enough and has not
spread, the chances of
successful treatment are
Talk to your friends about the
importance of Early Detection of
Breast Cancer, Self Breast Exams,
and Mammograms!
Questions? You can ask now!
If you have any questions later or want
to refer someone just call 258-4167!