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What is Marijuana?
 It is a mixture of dried and shredded leaves,
stems, seeds, and flowers of the cannabis
sativa plant.
 The mixture can be brown, green or gray.
 Sound harmless??? Think again…
Marijuana contains a chemical in
it called delta-9tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)
 THC is the main psychoactive (mind altering)
ingredient. Marijuana’s strength/potency is
determined by the amount of THC it contains.
 Levels of THC have been increasing since the
1970’s. In 1972, the average percentage of THC
in confiscated marijuana was 1.7%. In 2008 it
was 10%.
 There are approximately 400 other chemicals
found in marijuana which could affect your
health. Some of which are carcinogens.
How many teens are using
 ***Not EVERYONE is using it.
 According to an anonymous 2010/2011 study
done at LHS with 137 students
55% of students were NOT using marijuana.
 In the NIDA study, in 2010 8% of 8th graders,
17% of 10th graders, and 21% of 12th graders
were using.
 Thoughts on why LHS use is higher?
Short Term Affects:
 Relaxed, high, feel good sensation
 THC triggers the release of dopamine which
creates good feelings for a short time.
 Some experience sudden anxiety and
paranoid thoughts
 Increased hunger – “munchies”
 Can be unpredictable when mixed with other
 Red eyes - blood vessels in the eyes expand making
eyes look red
 Dry mouth
 Slower reaction time
 Problems with learning and memory
***When compared to teens that don’t smoke,
students who smoke marijuana tend to get lower
grades and are more likely to drop out of high school.
 Distorted perception (sights, sounds, time, touch)
 Diminished motor coordination
 Increased blood pressure & heart rate
(see next slide)
 These effects are reduced after 3-4 hours.
The lingering effects could make you
impaired for several hours after the high
wears off.
Within a few minutes after inhaling
marijuana smoke:
• Heart begins beating more rapidly
• Bronchial passages relax and become
• RHR normally 70-80 bpm will increase
by 20-50 bpm or in some cases
Long Term Affects of
Marijuana Use:
 Associated with depression and anxiety
 A-motivational syndrome – which means a
loss of drive or ambition – even for previously
rewarding activities.
 Learning: Affects attention and short-term
memory loss (learning new things, focus on
complex tasks, stringing together a lot of
information sequentially)
 Sports: affects timing, movement &
 Judgement/Decision Making:
Reduces inhibitions, which can lead to
risky behaviors:
Unprotected sex
Sexually Transmitted Diseases like HIV
Unplanned pregnancy
Driving under the influence
Heavy Marijuana Use & Males:
 Heavy marijuana use lowers men’s
testosterone levels and sperm count/quality
 Marijuana use can decrease libido and fertility
in some heaving smoking men.
 Marijuana use can also lead to erectile
dysfunction due to its ability to suppress
hormones that are important to the male
reproductive system. (Kuhn, 2003)e heavy
smoking men.
Effects on the LUNGS:
* Many of the same respiratory problems that
tobacco smokers have
- daily cough
- frequent upper respiratory illnesses
- greater risk of lung infections like pneumonia
* Marijuana is the most common
illegal drug found in drivers
who die in accidents (14%)
* Affects alertness,
concentration, coordination and
reaction time.
Marijuana and psychosis:
 If you have a genetic vulnerability to the
disease, using marijuana increases your risk
of developing psychosis
 Psychosis = a severe mental disorder in which
there is a los of contact with reality, including
false ideas (delusions) and seeing or hearing
things that aren’t there (hallucinations),
paranoia, and panic attacks.
People who use marijuana over the
long term self-report:
less life satisfaction, poorer education,
memory and relationship problems,
poorer mental and physical health,
lower salaries, and
less career success
compared to people who do not use
Is marijuana ADDICTIVE?
 Yes – but not everyone that smokes will
become addicted.
 It depends on:
Whether you use other drugs
Family & peer relationships
Success in school
How often you smoke
At what AGE you started
 About 9% of people who use marijuana will
become addicted.
 If you start smoking in your teens you have a
16% chance of becoming addicted.
 If you are a daily user, your risk of becoming
addicted goes up to 50%.
 61% of teens in drug abuse treatment, are
being treated for marijuana abuse.
Are there withdrawal
 YES... Similar to those with nicotine
Sleeping difficulties
How long does marijuana stay
in your body???
 THC is rapidly absorbed by the fatty tissues in
various organs throughout the body.
 Standard urine tests can detect traces of THC
several days after use.
 Marijuana can be detected in urine, blood and
saliva for up to 60 days after use, depending
on how much was used, how often it was
used, and the type of tests used to detect the
Marijuana = Gateway Drug???
 Long term studies of drug use patterns show
very few HS students use other illegal drugs
without first trying marijuana.
 However, many teen marijuana users do not go
on to use other drugs.
 Marijuana affects the brain during development,
which makes other drugs more appealing.
 They are in contact with other users as well as
sellers of other drugs.
Medical Marijuana:
 Modern medical research has discovered beneficial
uses for marijuana in treating or alleviating pain,
nausea, and other symptoms associated with certain
debilitating medical conditions.
(Cancer/chemotherapy, HIV/wasting syndrome,
 Several states, including R.I. permit the medical use
and cultivation of marijuana under certain
circumstances. Rhode Island's Medical Marijuana Act
does not alter federal statutes and regulations
prohibiting the possession and use of marijuana.
 Could medical legalization have any effect on teens
decision to use???? Discuss.