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Update on the Tourism Satellite Account
Tourism Portfolio Committee
12 October 2010
… background
• Although the Tourism-industry is not explicitly recognised in the
Standard Industrial Classification of all Economic Activities (SIC), there
is little doubt about the growing importance of economic activity relating
to this industry;
• The increased awareness has prompted the development of various
techniques by a number of countries and international agencies to
R?? impact;
measure tourism’s (social-) economic
• These developments are centered on the System of Tourism Statistics
(STS). A STS comprises three aspects i.e.:
 Tourism Satellite Accounts (TSA);
 Balance of Payments for Tourism (BoPT); and
 Labour Accounts for Tourism (LAT).
… background (cont.)
• In the past, the description of tourism focused on, amongst others, the:
 characteristics of visitors;
 conditions in which they travelled and stayed;
 purpose of their visit etc.
• Today, there is an increasing awareness:
R?? and can play (directly or indirectly)
 of the role that tourism is playing
in the economy in terms of:
 generation of value added;
 employment;
 personal income;
 government income, etc.
… what does a TSA do?
• It is a statistical instrument used to measure the size of the tourism
industry’s contribution to the economy of a country according to
international standards of concepts, classifications and definitions;
• Allow for valid comparisons with other industries and eventually from
country to country and between groups of countries;
• Fundamental structure of a TSA is based
on the general relationship
existing within an economy between the demand of goods and services
generated by tourism on the one hand and their supply on the other hand –
it therefore brings together the demand- and supply side of the tourism
… why a TSA (cont.)
• A TSA provides a framework for policy analysis of issues related to
tourism economics, as well as for model-building, tourism growth analysis
and productivity measurements;
• A TSA is constructed using official data and not modeling techniques;
• The main purposes of the TSAs are to:
 analyse in detail all the aspects of demand for goods and services
which might be associated with tourism within the economy;
 observe the operational interface with the supply of such goods and
services within the same economy of reference; and
 describe how this supply interacts with other economic activities.
… what does it all mean
Once all the tables of the TSA have been completed we will
be able to measure:
 Tourism’s contribution to Gross Domestic Product;
 Tourism’s ranking compared to other economic
 The number of jobs created by tourism in an economy;
 The amount of tourism investment;
 Tax revenues generated by tourism industries;
 Tourism consumption;
 Tourism’s impact on the country’s balance of payments;
 Characteristics of the human resources in the tourism
… the key role-players
The success of the TSA process in SA rests on the inter-institutional committee
Working team
Construct the TSA
Collect and provide data
Stats SA
… link with policy
The main objective of the Department of Tourism is to increase
tourism’s contribution to:
• economic growth
• job creation
Whilst the main measurement of the Tourism Satellite Account
is the direct contribution of tourism to:
• economic growth
• job creation
The TSA therefore gives the official statistics on, inter alia:
• whether the tourism sector is reaching these targets or not;
• which industries contributes the most/least to these targets.
… South African Tourism Industry Strategy 2015 Responsible
Growth Objectives
Develop and monitor a
composite tourist
satisfaction index and
aim for significant
9m domestic holiday trips pa
35% of bed-nights outside
of main provinces
13,5m total
10m Africa
3.5 m overseas
Define decent work
and strongly
compliance, aiming
for 100%
Tourism is seen as an
attractive career choice
with good career
progression, resulting in
more students taking
tourism disciplines and
better industry retention
12% pa average growth
45,5 m trips
55% of popn
2005 (Direct contribution):
GDP: 3,0%
Employment: 527 630
3,5% of GDP
800 000 jobs
70% compliance with the
tourism charter by 2015
Thank you