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Presentation to
Recruitment International’s FD Forum
UK economic outlook
James Wellesley Wesley
12 September 2012
 Things feel OK despite
› Marginal recession: UK GDP likely to contract 0.7 to 1% in 2012
› Barely recovered from low point of mid 2009
 Why OK?
› Huge influx of foreign wealth
- Obvious problems of others
- Rule of law, civilised, London
› Recession impact falling disproportionately on unskilled poor and public sector
› The impact of Government cuts has yet to be really felt
› Active black economy
 Employment is holding up
› suggests that productivity is going backwards
› without growth, unemployment will certainly rise from here on
 UK recruitment is very patchy
› Terrible/ OK/ Surprisingly good
› still some candidate shortages
The Internet facilitated globalisation
› Goods now made in the cheapest location around the world; distance is no longer an obstacle
› Price/quality analysis is very transparent
 Monetary policy facilitated rapid credit expansion and ‘growth’
› Credit expanded beyond productive uses
› Interest rates were lowered whenever needed to sustain growth (the ‘Greenspan put’)
› Eurozone mispriced and misallocated credit between member states and their banks
 Money growth and light supervision made a splurge of bad lending inevitable
› Subprime mortgages, Icelandic raiders, ‘prime brokerage ‘ to hedge funds, expanded trading volumes, asset
inflations, ‘Covenant lite’ loans
 The apparent result in the Western world:
› Lower costs for consumers
› Huge expansion of wealth of ‘owners’; increased living standards of ‘poor ‘; much wider gap between rich and poor
› Virtuous circle of global growth, wealth, tax receipts and Government spending, more growth
2007 – 2008: THE END OF THE DREAM
 Rolling bank insolvencies showed up the enormous scale, inter connectedness and fragility of the global banking
› Banks unable to sustain internal funding as shocks arose
› Sept 2008: global financial armageddon was narrowly averted
 Sense was that the Great Moderation was built on excessive debt in the Western world
› In banks -‘too big to fail’ , too big to control, ‘too large a part’ of the UK economy
› In households – average UK household debt to income over 130%
› In Sovereign governments – often debt to GDP of 80% or more (and rising)
 Far too much opaqueness in the financial system – completely missed by reported accounts
› CDOs, CDO squared, trading
› Crony interrelationship between Sovereigns and national banks
 European Sovereign debt problem exacerbated by
› Ephemeral nature of some tax revenues (City, bonuses) and difficult to vary increases in Government spending
› Nationalising (now Europeanising) of liabilities of bust banks (Ireland, UK, Spain, Italy, France)
 Financial contagion and uncertainty led to sharp global downturn
› UK GDP down c5% 2008-9
- UK particularly exposed to Banks and heavy weight and distraction of bank nationalisations
 UK still 4% below 2007 GDP peak; other G7 have all recovered a bit more strongly
 UK economy is now largely post industrial
› Devaluation of £ has had zero impact on exports since 2007
 Economic uncertainty has changed attitudes to debt
› UK household leverage (as % of income) has contracted by 20 percentage points since 2007
› QE monetary expansion has approximated to reduction in the ‘velocity of circulation’ of money
 Banks are expected to lend more while becoming smaller/better capitalised/extensively regulated /less
 Governments, IMF and central banks completely focussed on sustaining the solvency of the global financial system
› Initially viewed as a bank liquidity issue - hence the money ‘firehoses’ of TARP, QE, Twist, LTRO etc
› …rapidly widened into a bank solvency issue
› …in turned widened into a Sovereign solvency issue within the Eurozone
 Stated hope of Government policy has been to recapture the virtuous circle ( growth/wealth/tax/asset
appreciation/performing loans/bank solvency/growth)
 Actual Government policy in Europe has been schizophrenic:
› Extraordinarily easy monetary policy (QE and low interest rates) to keep banks and Sovereigns afloat
› Moderate to harsh fiscal policy (ambitious deficit reductions = austerity) to control Government debt levels
- No meaningful growth agenda in Europe
 The creation of the Eurozone is proving to be the disastrous political and economic decision of our generation
› Recent ECB actions have deferred the crisis but have not addressed the core problem
 The Euro’s existence is substantially worsening the Eurozone and global economic slowdown
› Fixed terms of trade between divergent economies are dynamicly inappropriate
- the exchange rate of Southern European countries is substantially above their ‘fundamental equilibrium’ levels
- Euro is mid strength reflecting German strength not accommodating Southern weakness
› Breakdown of trust and goodwill between peoples
› Significant and rising danger of social unrest and fundamental political changes within countries
› Perception of Eurozone breakdown leading to:
- Balkanisation of global banks
- Withdrawal of private sector capital from Southern Sovereigns and banks
- Unsustainable borrowing costs for certain sovereigns
 Only 4 ways for this to resolve itself:
› ‘Internal devaluation’ (aka austerity resulting in mass unemployment) until labour costs are reduced to relatively
competitive levels
› Unending fiscal redistribution from rich countries to poor countries
- €1.25 - 2.4 trillion cash transfer for PIGS 2012-15 (Lombard Street Research)
› Mass emigration from the poor countries
› External devaluation (aka break up of the Eurozone)
 Two issues:
› Will the Southern Europeans stick with the austerity?
› Will the rich countries continue to subsidise the poor for as long as it takes?
 Can the medicine work?
 Eurozone has moved into overall recession; German PMI data is deteriorating
 Spain’s central/regional government structure is proving disfunctional
 Greece remains likely to leave the Euro
 European banking system is largely insolvent and retrenching
 USA has stuttering growth, huge debt, uncertain politics and the ‘fiscal cliff’ of Jan/Feb 2013
 Japan has slipped back into recession
 China is slowing down fast (the “8% growth” number is no longer credible)
› Industrial commodity prices have deteriorated fast
› Global shipping is weak
 Significant price inflation of global food staples is likely later this year
 UK
› Nothing visible which suggests any UK recovery for 2013
- Government to tinker (planning, small business bank etc) but core policy is deficit control
› Substantial Eurozone and global slowdown in process with serious downside risks
- Continual crisis management; fixes may well string Eurozone out for a long time
- Profound structural flaws remain unaddressed
› Continuing household deleveraging and pressure on disposable incomes
› Continuing bank contraction
› 2013 UK GDP growth
- Consensus view: being reduced all the time but currently positive growth expected
- JWW view: -1% for 2013; materially worse if Eurozone blows up
› JWW view for 2014-15: flatlining at best
 Impact on UK recruitment companies
› Anything less than +1% GDP growth is likely to see overall contraction in recruitment GP
- Recruitment GP amplifies (6X ?) any change (+ or -) from +1% GDP growth
- If 2012 GDP growth is -1% then UK recruitment GP likely to be -12% (and same again in 2013)
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