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Characteristics of Life
Respond to Environment
React to changes in their
•Run from a predator
•Leaves and stems grow towards
the light
•Mosquito follows carbon dioxide to
find you to bite
Materials and Energy
Take in materials and energy to
•Plants use light energy and make
•Animals eat food to get energy
• Fungus digest dead material to get
Universal Genetic Code
All organisms have DNA to pass on
information from one generation
to the next
•Flies produce flies
•Spiders produce spiders
•Dandelion seeds produce
Change over time
A group or population
changes over time as
environment changes
•Cactus survive in the desert
because they have become
adapted to heat and dryness
Living things are made of
small units called cells
•Some organisms are made
of a single cell
•Some organisms are made
of many cells
•Plants, Animals, and Fungi
are multicellular
Living things reproduce
•Maple trees and cows
reproduce sexually
•Hydra and sponges
reproduce asexually
Growth and Development
Living things go through stages
and cycles, changing, until they
reach maturity, then they die
•Humans start out as 2 individual cells
become a fetus are born as
infants become toddlers then
considered a child adolescence 
young adult  middle age
senior death
Process by which organisms maintain a relatively
stable internal environment
• when hot, people sweat or turn pink
• when cold, people turn blue (blood goes to heart,
lung, brains)
• Fainting: people fall down to reestablish enough
blood flow to the brain