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Weather Theory
6 April 2005
Heating of the Earth
 All weather on earth is caused by
differential (unequal) heating of the
earth’s surface!
 Large-scale atmospheric circulation
(warm air rises; cooler air settles)
 Add rotational effects of the Coriolis
Force and winds are deflected to the
right (in the Northern Hemisphere)
 Coriolis force causes wind to flow
parallel to isobars.
Circulation and Wind
 Air circulates clockwise around a high and
counterclockwise around a low.
 When isobars are closer together, wind speed increases.
 Surface friction causes winds to not exactly parallel the
isobars but rather move outward from high pressure
(e.g., more favorable winds will be found south of highpressure areas when flying west.)
 Standard Temperature is 15 Celsius
 Temperature decreases an average of 2
degrees per 1000 feet. (Standard lapse rate)
 When temperature increases with altitude,
there is a temperature inversion.
 The most frequent ground-based TI is
produced by radiation on a clear, still night.
 Key Terms
 Relative humidity: percentage of air’s
maximum saturation
 Dewpoint: temperature to which air must
be cooled to become saturated (100% RH)
 Adding and removing moisture:
 Evaporation
 Sublimation
Airmasses and Fronts
 Air masses are formed when a large body of air sits
on top of a region for a long time, taking on its
moisture and temperature contents.
 Two airmasses are separated by a front.
 Ridges are lines of high pressure
 Troughs are lines of low pressure.
 Frontal passage is denoted by:
 Change in temperature
 Decrease in pressure followed by an
 A shift in wind direction, speed, or both
Atmospheric Stability
 Stability is the resistance
of the atmosphere to
vertical motion
A stable atmosphere
resists vertical motion
An unstable atmosphere
allows convective
currents to develop.
 Stable air is often
associated with a
temperature inversion
Stable Air
Unstable Air
Smooth air
Rough air
Continuous Showery
precipitation precipitation
 Two general types:
 Cumuliform
 stratiform
 Cumuliform
 Form in unstable air
 Are vertically developed (billowy)
 Showery precipitation
 Stratiform
 Form in unstable air
 Flat/even
 Continuous light rain
 Cirrus
 High clouds composed of ice crystals
 Bases of cumuliform clouds can be
determined by:
 Subtracting temperature (Celsius) from
dewpoint and dividing by 2.5 (temperature per
1000 feet that temp. and dewpoint converge)
 This is the height (in thousands of feet) of the
base of the clouds
 Found in convective currents (e.g. when
cumulus clouds are present)
 Strongest in areas with large updrafts
(towering cumulus/cumulonimbus)
 When severe turbulence is encountered,
reduce airplane’s airspeed to
maneuvering speed and attempt to
maintain a level flight attitude
 Three prerequisites:
 Water vapor
 Unstable lapse rate (unstable air)
 Lifting action
 Three stages:
 Cumulus
 Mature
 Dissipating
Lightning always present
Hail frequently created in up/down drafts
Significant windshear turbulence
Embedded thunderstorms are those that are
within large cloud areas and cannot be seen
 Squall-line thunderstorms create the most
hazardous conditions and develop ahead of
cold fronts
Wind Shear
 Any change in direction/speed in a short
 Low-level wind shear most hazardous
 Temperature inversions
 Around thunderstorms
 Found when wind speed between 2000’ and 4000’ is
at least 25 kts
Wind shear
 Two hazardous conditions:
 Loss of tailwind
 Airspeed initially increases
 Aircraft pitches up
 Altitude increases, causing a requirement for
less power
 Loss of headwind
 Airspeed decreases (dangerous if flying slowly)
 Aircraft pitches down and begins to sink
 Two types:
 Clear ice – hard /glossy, cumuliform clouds
 Rime ice – stratiform clouds/small drops
 Occurs when water contacts airplane
parts that are below freezing
 Requires visible moisture
 Ice pellets indicate freezing rain above
(most dangerous)
Increases weight
Increases drag
Decreases lift
Decreases thrust
Increases stalling speed
 Radiation fog
 Terrestrial radiation cools the ground, cooling air
touching ground
 Advection fog
 Warm, moist air moves over cold ground
 Upslope fog
 Moist, stable air is cooled to dewpoint
 Preciptation fog
 Caused by evaporating precipitation
 Steam fog
 Cold, dry air moves over relatively warm water
 Ice deposits formed by sublimation on a
 Formed when collecting surface is at or below
the freezing point
 Frost causes loss of aerodynamic efficiency
due to early flow separation
 Do not take off with frost on your airplane!
Next Week…
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