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The atmosphere is the
Key symbol of global
One thing that makes life
Possible on Earth is its
The atmosphere is a thin
Layer of gases that
Surround the planet.
The atmosphere is 78%
Nitrogen and 21% oxygen.
The remaining 1% is a mixture
Of water vapor, argon,
And a bunch of other stuff.
We call the entire mixture
The most important gases in
The air for living organisms
Are oxygen and
Carbon dioxide.
Most of the oxygen in the air
Is due to early organisms
Cresting it with
There are 5 major layers
To the atmosphere…
The Troposphere
The Stratosphere
The Mesosphere
The Thermosphere
The Exosphere
The troposphere extends to
About 10 km above the earth.
It contains nearly 90% of
All the air in the atmosphere.
This is also the layer where
All the weather occurs.
The stratosphere extends
From 10km to about 50km
Above the earth.
The air in this layer is
Much less dense.
Commercial airliners usually
Travel in the lower part of
This layer in the jet stream.
The stratosphere contains
The ozone layer which
Protects us from UV rays.
After the stratosphere
The layers extend farther
And get thinner.
Weather is simply what is
Happening in the atmosphere
At a particular place
At a particular moment.
Climate on the other hand
Is the average weather in
An area over a long period
Of time.
Climate is determined by a
Variety of factors, including
Latitude, air circulation,
Ocean currents and
Local geography.
Wind is caused by uneven
Solar heating of the
Earth’s surface.
Warm air rises and cold
Air sinks which causes
Changes in pressure which
Causes the winds.
Ocean currents have a
Great effect on climate
Because water holds a
Large amount of heat.
Oceans tend to make climates
More moderate, so coastal
Areas usually have warmer
Winters and cooler summers.
The greenhouse effect is
When the earth radiates
Heat into space and it is
Reflected back by the
Atmosphere and the clouds.
The greenhouse effect of
The atmosphere is the reason
That the earth is warm
Enough to sustain life.
If the planet had no
Greenhouse effect, the
Average temperature would
Be -18°C!
Not every gas in our
Atmosphere traps heat.
The gases that do trap heat
Are called greenhouse gases.
These gases are water vapor,
Carbon dioxide, cfc’s, methane
And nitrous oxide.
If you remember from the
Inconvenient truth, al gore’s
Teacher Charles Keeling
First made the relation
Of carbon dioxide and
Warming of the earth.
Where is the extra carbon
Dioxide coming from?
A bunch comes from living
Things, even more comes from
Volcanic eruptions, but
An obvious trend shows
That burning from the
industrial Revolution
Increased it even more.
Most scientists think that as
A result of increasing
Greenhouse gases, the
Average temperature of the
Earth is increasing.
This is called global warming.
Global warming will
Disrupt weather patterns
Which will also change
Agriculture and raise
Sea levels.
The best way to slow this
Global warming is to try
To reduce the amount of
Carbon dioxide in the air.
So conserve energy, drive
Less, and plant trees.
Earth Day Footprint Quiz
Show the global
Climate change videos!
The ozone is a form of oxygen
With molecules made
Of 3 oxygen atoms.
In 1985 an article published
In NATURE reported the
Results of scientists working
In Halley Bay, Antarctica.
The study revealed that
Between 50 and 98% of the
Ozone had thinned.
The results were confirmed
By NASA from information
Acquired in 1979.
The goal now was to find out
What was eating the ozone.
It turned out that the answer
Was CFC’s.
They were used in Styrofoam,
Refrigerators, and
Spray cans.
So in 1987 a group of nations
Got together at the
Montreal Protocol and
Agreed to stop using CFC’s.
Since then, the ozone hole
Has started to heal itself!