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Setting the Stage
To Christians and Jews and Muslims,
Palestine is/was a holy land.
In the 600s Muslim Arabs took control of
Palestine and by the Middle Ages, the Muslims
were limiting the access of Christians and
Main Idea
The Crusades, a series of
attempts to gain Christian control
of the Holy Land, had a profound
economic, political, and social
impact on the societies involved.
Goal of Crusades
1. European Christians launched series
of religious wars, Crusades, in Middle
2. Goal to take Jerusalem, Holy Land,
away from Muslims
3. Jerusalem site of Holy Temple of
Jews, also where Jesus crucified, buried,
was to come again
4. Vital to Christians to control city
Muslims Control Holy
5. Jerusalem under the control of Muslims from Central
Asia, known as the Suljuq Turks during the late 1000s
6. Turkish Muslims went on to gain control of Persia, other
lands, persecuted Christians visiting region
7. Turks attacked Byzantine Empire, and threatened the
city of Constantinople
8. Emperor turned to Western Europe, Pope Urban II, for
The Council of Clermont
9. Pope Urban II called church leaders to
council in Clermont, France Described
dangers faced by Byzantines
1o. Called on Christian warriors to put
aside differences, fight against Turks
Effective call to arms
Hundreds of knights, nobles volunteered for Crusade
Set out to meet foes with slogan “God wills it!”
Why Go Crusading?
11. Some went to save their souls. They believed if
they died on a crusade they would go straight to
12. Some to gain land and wealth in Palestine and SW
13. Some for adventure
Crusaders left France in 1096 in First Crusade. In all,
nine Crusades set out between 1096 and 1291 to
claim or protect the Holy Land.
1st Crusade
1. After a series of vicious battles, the
crusaders captured Jerusalem.
2. In a terrible massacre, they slaughtered its
Muslim AND Jewish inhabitants.
1st Crusade
The Arab historian Ibn al -Athir wrote “The Jews
[who lived in Jersualem an who had been trapped
by the crusaders’ siege of the city] had gathered in
their synagogue and the Franks burnt them alive.
They also destroyed monuments of saints and the
tomeb of Abraham, may peace be upon him”
Results of 1st Crusade
3. Much of the Holy Land brought
under Christian control.
4. Increased trade between
Europe and Asia.
5. Eventually Christians and
Muslims get along.
Other Major Crusades
1. Christians rule Holy Land for around 100
2 Muslims began retaking lands lost in Fertile
3.The Second Crusade (1147-1149)- attempt
to capture the city of Damascus ends in
Third Crusade
4.The Third Crusade- (1189-1192)- Saladinthe great Muslim leader overthrew Fatamids
and took title of sultan.
5. Saladin set out to take back Crusader
states, succeeded, drove European Christians
out of Jerusalem.
Third Crusade
6. Three Kings: Frederick Barbarossa, Richard
the Lionhearted, and Philip II set out from
Europe on Third Crusade.
7. Frederick was killed, Philip quarreled with
Richard, returned home
8. Only King Richard the Lion-Hearted of
England fought in Holy Land
Third Crusade
9. The Fourth Crusade- called in 1202 by
Innocent III- Crusaders attack and loot
Constantinople in 1204.
10. City eventually falls to the Ottoman Turks
in 1453.
11. Other Crusades- the Children’s Crusade of
1212 was a huge failure and many died.
12. The young crusaders lacked adequate
training, equipment, and supplies.
13. Those who reached southern France were
tricked into boarding ships that carried them
off into slavery instead of the Holy Land.
14. Several thousand children were lost.
Results of the Crusades
1.Christians failed to retake the Holy Land.
2.Weapons and warfare- use of the crossbow,
new ways to wage war, gunpowder.
3.Political changes- fewer lords left, stronger
kings, end of feudalism, more powerful
Christian church and pope.
4.Ideas and trade- exchange of new cultural
ideas and trade patterns from contact with the
Muslim world.