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Application of science to those criminal and
civil laws that are enforced by police
agencies in a criminal justice system.
History of Forensics
 There are many great men who
contributed to the discovery of techniques
used today to analyze evidence used in the
solving of a crime.
Mathieu Orfila
 (1787 – 1853)
Considered to be the
father of toxicology
Alphonse Bertillon
 (1853 - 1914)
The first
scientific system of
personal identification
by a series of body
measurements. This
was replaced by
fingerprints in the
early 1900’s
Francis Galton
 (1833 – 1911)
First to
study fingerprints and
classify them for filing.
Leone Lattes
 (1887 – 1954)
Discovered that blood
can be grouped into
four categories called
types - ABO
AA or AO
BB or BO
Calvin Goddard
 (1891-1955)
Determined the
comparison of bullets
in guns – Ballistics
Albert S. Osborn
 (1858 – 1946)
Developed principles
of document
Walter C. McCrone
 (1916 – 2002)
Developed advances
in microscopic
techniques to solve
crimes and analyze
Hans Gross
 (1847 – 1915)
and developed
principles of criminal
Edmond Locard
 (1877-1966) Used the
scientific method in
criminal investigation.
Background was
medicine and law.
Major Federal Crime Labs
 The FBI (Department of Justice) maintains the largest
crime laboratory in the world.
 The Drug Enforcement Administration Laboratories
(Department of Justice) are responsible for the analysis of
drugs seized in violation of federal laws regulating the
production, sale, and transportation of drugs.
 The laboratories of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco,
Firearms and Explosives (Department of Justice) have
responsibility for analyzing alcoholic beverages and
documents relating to tax law enforcement and for
examining weapons, explosive devices, and related
evidence received in conjunction with enforcement of the
Gun Control Act of 1968 and the Organized Crime Control
Act of 1970.
 The U.S. Postal Inspection Service maintains
laboratories concerned with criminal investigations relating
to the postal service.
Services of the Crime
 Physical Science Unit
– Analyzes drugs,
glass, paint, explosives,
and soil.
Services of the Crime
 Biology Unit –
Analyzes DNA, blood,
body fluids, hair, fibers,
wood, and plants.
Services of the Crime
 Firearms Unit –
Examines firearms,
discharged bullets,
cartridge cases,
shotgun shells, and
Services of the Crime
 Document
Examination Unit –
handwriting and
typewriting on
documents is analyzed
Services of the Crime
 Photography Unit –
digital imaging, infrared,
ultraviolet, and X-ray
photography are used.
Two pinholes X 100
Left pinhole X 400
Right pinhole X 400
Other Units of a Crime Lab
 Toxicology Unit –
Body fluids and
organs are examined
for the presence or
absence of drugs or
Other Units of a Crime Lab
 Latent Fingerprint
Unit – Processing
and examining
evidence for latent
Other Units of a Crime Lab
 Polygraph Unit – Lie
Other Units of a Crime Lab
 Voiceprint Analysis
Unit – Involved in
telephoned threats or
Other Units of a Crime Lab
 Evidence-Collection
Unit – trained to
collect evidence at the
crime scene
Other Forensic Science
 Forensic Pathology –
involves the
investigation of sudden,
unnatural, unexplained,
or violent deaths. Also
called Medical
Examiners or Coroners.
Usually perform the
Other Forensic Science
 Forensic
Anthropology –
involves the
identification and
examination of the
human skeleton
Other Forensic Science
 Forensic Entomology
– Study of insects and
their relation to a
criminal investigation
Forensic Services Continued:
 Forensic Psychiatry – involves the assessment and
treatment of mentally abnormal offenders, as well as the
legal aspects of psychiatry. This includes knowledge of
the law relating to ordinary psychiatric practice, civil law
and issues of criminal responsibility.
 Forensic Psychology - involves the application of
psychological knowledge, theory and skills to the
understanding and functioning of the legal and criminal
justice system. Forensic psychology encompasses
psychology and the law, the psychology of police and
policing, corrections, parole, victim services, addiction
services and family services. It also covers activities
related to law enforcement and the assessment and
treatment of juvenile and adult offenders.
Forensic Services Continued:
 Forensic Odontology
– Identification of
victims when the body
is left in an
unrecognizable state by
their teeth, the
alignment, and overall
structure of the mouth.
Forensic Services Continued:
 Forensic Engineering
– Concerned with
failure analysis,
accident reconstruction,
and causes and origins
of fires or explosions.
Failed fuel pipe