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Practice Questions for the Chapter 1, 2, 3 TEST
1) The concept of "general acceptance" of scientific evidence relates to the:
2) Charred debris from an arson scene should be:
3) Who is known as the "father of forensic toxicology"?
4) Who established the comparison microscope as the indispensable tool of the modern firearms examiner?
5) Know how to package bloodstained material, glass and trace evidence?
6) Determining that an explosive mixture contains dynamite is an example of the process of:
7) Name all the people who would be responsible for properly maintained chain of custody
8) What are the explanations for the rapid growth of crime labs during the last 25 years?
10) The examination of a paint chip found on a hit-and-run victim’s garment side-by-side with paint removed from a
vehicle suspected of being involved in the incident is an example of comparison or identification?
11) Who postulated the exchange of evidence principle?
12) In the case of Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceutical, Inc., the U.S. Supreme Court advocated that a "gatekeeper"
determine the admissibility and reliability of scientific evidence. Who is the gatekeeper?
14) Forensic science is the application of science to:
15) What factor(s) do(es) the court usually take into consideration as sufficient grounds for qualification as an expert
16) The fictional character of Sherlock Holmes was created by:
17) The first officer arriving at a crime scene, after providing or obtaining medical assistance for the injured and the
arresting of suspects (if possible), should immediately: 17) ______
18) Who established the first workable crime laboratory?
19) Who undertook the first definitive study of fingerprints as a method of personal identification?
20) Success in the recognition and collection of physical evidence is determined primarily by the:
21) Forensic databases are maintained for all of the following types of evidence…
22) What qualifies a person as an expert witness? Who makes this determination?
23) A victim's fingernail scrapings would be correctly packaged in:
24) The collection of standard reference samples at the crime scene is important because they:
25) Bite marks would be LEAST likely to be found in cases involving…
27) Know the difference between class and individual evidence and be able to classify an example piece of evidence as
class or individual.
28) The most basic methods of crime scene recording include …
29) The tendency of the public to believe that every crime scene will yield forensic evidence and their unrealistic
expectations that a prosecutor’s case should always be bolstered and supported by forensic evidence is known as:
30) The value of class physical evidence lies in its ability to:
31) Who devised a technique for determining the blood group of a dried bloodstain, which he applied to criminal
32) If the laboratory can piece broken glass from a window or headlight together, then the evidence has ___________
33) Who wrote the first treatise describing the application of science to the field of criminal investigation?
34) CAD programs enhance the ability to:
35) The likelihood of finding class physical evidence is ________ the likelihood of finding physical evidence with
individual characteristics.
36) The final evaluator of forensic evidence is the:
37) Who developed the system known as anthropometry?
38) A rough sketch includes
39) Physical evidence can be used to exonerate or exclude a person from suspicion if:
40) Given a type of evidence, decide which database would be consulted.
41) Given a type of evidence, decide which crime lab would analyze it.