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The Cell Cycle
This is the growth and division
of cells that create new cells.
It consists of
What is all that
G1/S/G2/M/C stuff?
G1 Phase (Gap 1)
This part of the cell cycle is where the cell spends
most of its functional life doing cell stuff (whatever
job that cell happens to have).
A cell division event eventually begins. Lots of stuff
can make that happen:
- Maybe dead or dying cells need to be replaced.
- Maybe the cell needs to grow larger.
- Unicellular critters need to reproduce.
Remember that the SA/V ratio can’t get too big or
stuff can’t get in and out of a cell fast enough.
S (Synthesis)
This is when DNA
replication takes
DNA goes from a single
stranded molecule to a
pair of identical
It is NOT formed into
chromosomes yet! It’s
still chromatin!
G2 Phase (Gap 2)
The final part of Interphase.
The cell is almost ready to begin
Protein synthesis is happening…a lot
(remember…proteins are enzymes or
structural)! The spindle fibers are
made of proteins so…gonna need
that soon (in mitosis).
*Notice that it doesn’t take up that much of the
cell cycle!
This is very last stage and is
when the daughter cells actually
separate…the middle pinches in
and keeps tightening until the
cell divided
 there are now two new fullyfunctioning cells identical to the
parent cell.
 In plant cells, a cell plate forms.
The new cell wall will form from
this structure.
Let’s Look at this in a
different way…M’kay.