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Science Starter 08-22-11
The word cell is used in many
contexts (ways). List the
different ways cell is used
(outside of science class).
Cells Organelles:
 Organism- Lion, butterfly, frog, gnat etc….
 Organ system- Cardiovascular, Skeletal,
Integumentary (skin, nails and hair) etc…
 Organ- Heart, liver, spleen, brain etc….
 Tissue- Connective, muscular tissue etc….
 Cells- Smallest unit of life, no cells =no life!!
What is the most basic unit of language/life?
 Cells= Words
 Tissue= Phrases or sentences
 Organ= Chorus, hook or lyrics.
 Organ system= A complete song, lyrics, hook
 Organism= Complete album art work, production,
 Today we are going to study the “words”
 What are the functions of major cell
For example
 Organelle- a specialized structure of a cell ( the
generic term for anything in the cell)
 Organelle= Cell parts
 Ribosomes, Nucleus, cytoplasm
Color: Green
 Chloroplast-
occurs, converts
energy for the
cell. Found only
in plants.
Color: Green
 Cell walls- Found
only in plants
protects and
supports plant
 Vacuoles- storage
unit of cell, stores
food, water and
waste significantly
larger in Plant cells
Plant Cell
Science Starter 8-23-13
What is the structure that most cells have?
2. If you have STILL not finished your hand, do so
3. I’m throwing away all the papers left in the room
this afternoon
4. If you have finished your hand, you may
SILENTLY on something else or read.
Color: YOU Choose. (NOT GREEN)
 Cell membrane-- thin
membrane that
surrounds the
cytoplasm of a cell. It
allows certain
substances into the cell,
while keeping other
substances out
Center of cell
 Nucleus- stores
DNA, Control
center (Brains) of
 Ribosomes- assembles
proteins by translating
messenger RNA (found
all throughout the cell)
 Cytoplasm- fluid that
fills a cell, clear and
gel-like appearance.
Helps move materials
around the cell.
Endoplasmic reticulum
 E.R- packaging system
 Rough E.R.-
Presences of ribosome
 Smooth E.R.- absences of
ribosome (stores steroids)
 Golgi appartatus-
packaging and shipping
Explain in your words what each function is
 1. Cell wall and Cell membrane
 2. Cytoplasm
 3. Mitochondria
 4. Chloroplast
 5. Nucleus
 6. Chromosomes
 7. Vacuole
 Draw OR Act out your organelle and explain it’s
 Centrioles
 Ribosomes
 Golgi Complex
 Nucleus
 Chromosomes
 Lysosome
 Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum