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By David, Rodrigo and Miguel
Is the Earth really getting hotter
What is global warming ?
 Global
warming refers to the increase in
the average temperature of the Earth's
near-surface air and oceans in recent
decades and its projected continuation.
How can we cut the global
 It's
simple: By reducing pollution from
vehicles and power plants. We can
increase our reliance on renewable energy
sources such as wind, sun and
geothermal. And we can manufacture
more efficient appliances and conserve
How can we cut the car
 Cost-effective
technologies to reduce global
warming pollution from cars and light trucks of
all sizes are available now. There is no
reason to wait and hope that hydrogen fuel
cell vehicles will solve the problem in the
What can I do to help global
warming ?
 There
are many simple steps you can take
right now to cut global warming pollution.
Make conserving energy a part of your daily
routine. By opting for a refrigerator with the
Energy Star label -- at least 15 percent less
energy -- over a less energy.
Simple steps
 Choose
an efficient vehicle
 Drive smart
 Drive less
 Buy energy-efficient appliances
 Replace your light bulbs with compact
fluorescent bulbs
 Weatherize your home or apartment
 Choose renewable energy.
 Buy clean energy certificates.
 Join NRDC/use our resources.
The best planet