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Take a rocket faster than the speed of
light (if that were possible)!
• Go all the way back to the Big Bang
Or we might enter a parallel universe
through a wormhole, and come back
through one into the past…
13.7 billion years ago (current theory)
-- The Big Bang
The Big Bang was not like a bomb going off
in a specific place in a pre-existing Universe,
it was the explosion of space and time itself from a point.
The Big Bang makes the Universe like a balloon—
it gets bigger as it gets blown up.
TINY Microwave ENERGY SWIRLS OF ALL SIZES discovered in 2014
at the south pole by Chau-Lin Kuo and coworkers.
They tell us the universe was chaotic early on, and expanded very
quickly for a brief fraction of a second—
BICEP2 Microwave Telescope at South Pole
Chau-Lin Kuo
confirms Chaos Theory of Big Bang by
Stanford rules!
Andre Linde.
NEXT: Swirls of Energy make particles: mostly protons
and electrons, which come together to make Hydrogen atoms.
This coming together creates of electrons and protons
to make Hydrogen gives off light we call… MICROWAVES.
This is how we know what the lumps of matter look like
At 380,000 years after the Big Bang—The Recombination Era.
However, for roughly a minute, the Big Bang was hotter than
10 million degrees, and like a star,
burned 25% of its Hydrogen into Helium.
Fusion: two lighter atoms (Hydrogen) effectively
become one heavier one (Helium).
13.5 billion years ago
– First Light:
First stars ignite, gravity pulling
the atoms together and heating
them to over 10 million degrees.
They ignite to Hydrogen fusion.
There is a funny energy in space (usually called dark energy)
driving the acceleration like a compressed sponge when
12 - 13.5 billion years ago
– Birth of the Milky Way galaxy
4.6 billion years
– birth of the Solar System
and the Earth
4.4 Billion years ago, Mars-sized object hits earth
Creates vapor that condenses into our moon.
3.3 Billion years ago an asteroid about 25 miles across
hits earth and destroys any life on the surface. Life had to
start over?
3 billion years
– earliest record of life
– Australian bacterial fossils
67 million years
– extinction of dinosaurs by asteroid
colliding with earth. Asteroid 6 miles wide.
Wiped out about 75% of life on the earth.
7 million years ago
--’human like’ and walking
on 2 legs in Africa
120,000 years ago
--our ancestors,
the Cro-magnons
The Future?
1. Falling into Andromeda Galaxy
Impact in about 2 billion years
2. Sun becomes a Red Giant and consumes the Earth
in about 4.5 billion years.