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Thermage is a safe, clinically proven way to tighten and contour skin, with
improvements in tone, contour, and texture occurring naturally through the
stimulation of your own collagen. Thermage is completely non-invasive: no
surgery, no injections. A single treatment uses radiofrequency to heat the
skin which tightens your existing collagen and stimulates new collagen
growth. Improvements are both immediately visible and continue up to six months. Results can last for
years depending on your skin condition and aging area uprocess. Dr. Serrao is certified in all
applications of the Thermage procedures. The treatment itself is normally done as a single treatment
that takes from 20 minutes to two hours depending on the treatment area.
Thermage is a safe, clinically proven way to tighten and contour skin, with improvements in tone,
contour, and texture occurring naturally through the stimulation of your own collagen.
Thermage is completely non-invasive: no surgery, no injections. A single treatment tightens your
existing collagen and stimulates new collagen growth. Improvements are both immediately visible and
continue up to six months. Results can last for years depending on your skin condition and aging area
The Thermage procedure is available only in the offices of qualified physicians who specialize in
cosmetic procedures. Dr. Serrao is certified in all applications of the Thermage procedures. The
treatment itself is normally done as a single treatment that takes from 20 minutes to two hours
depending on the treatment area. What's more, there is no downtime, so you can quickly resume your
normal routine. Unlike lasers, Thermage works on all skin types and tones. And unlike injections or
fillers, Thermage works on your entire face: forehead, eyes, nasolabial folds, jaw line, jowls and the
under your chin. It is also FDA approved for treatment on different areas of the body!
To understand how Thermage works, it helps to know a little about how your skin works.
The facial skin is made up of three distinct layers: a visible outer layer on the surface called the
epidermis, a collagen-rich underlayer beneath the surface called the dermis, and an inner layer
beneath the dermis called the subcutaneous layer, also known as the fat layer that has a web of
collagen fibers running through it. When the collagen in these three layers breaks down due to sun
exposure, family heredity, or the normal aging process, your face begins to sag and wrinkle. Naturally,
treatments that work on just the surface can't do anything to restore the collagen in the underlayer or
the innerlayer of your skin. Thermage is the only non-invasive procedure available that tightens and
renews your skin's collagen in all three layers.
How? Thermage's unique Capacitive Radiofrequency (CRF) technology safely heats your skin's
underlayer and the web of collagen in the inner layer, causing an immediate tightening as well as
improved tone and texture. And the improvements will continue and become even more noticeable for
four to six months following treatment due to new collagen growth.
Thermage is safer than invasive cosmetic procedures. And unlike lasers, Thermage works on all skin
types and colors. Best of all, you only need one Thermage treatment to obtain the full benefits, not
three to five as you would with some laser therapies. And there is no downtime, so you can quickly
resume your daily routine. Side effects are generally mild and may include redness, swelling, blisters,
bumps and rare instances of surface irregularities.
If you no longer recognize the body you’re seeing in the mirror, it's time to talk to us and learn how
Thermage can help you look as young as you feel.
* Your results may vary depending on age and skin condition
Who Is It For?
The Body By Thermage procedure is a new method to tighten, lift,
and smooth the skin of the body. The FDA approved the Body By
Thermage procedure in January of 2006. At Aesthetic Clinique, we
are using the Body By Thermage procedure to tighten and lift the skin of the abdomen (which is
commonly loose after pregnancy) and the skin of the upper arms, knees, and hands. Anyone with
loose skin in these areas is a possible candidate for Body By Thermage.
What is the Thermage procedure?
Thermage is a safe, non-invasive, no downtime, single treatment, cosmetic procedure that is clinically
proven to tighten, contour and rejuvenate facial skin to help naturally restore a more youthful
appearance. The Thermage procedure is administered in a doctor's office using the ThermaCool™
system, FDA cleared for the treatment of facial wrinkles, which utilizes a unique form of Capacitive
Radiofrequency (CRF) technology to tighten existing collagen and stimulate new natural collagen
production. Immediate results are visible and continue to improve for up to six months. The Thermage
procedure is fast and easy, and requires no downtime from normal activities. Unlike lasers, the
procedure can be performed on patients of all skin color.
How does the Thermage procedure work?
The procedure works by heating deep collagen fibers in the skin and underlying tissue, while
protecting the skin's surface with a cooling spray. The treatment is performed with the ThermaCool™
device. A ThermaTip, attached to a handheld device, briefly touches the skin, delivering the noninvasive CRF energy deep beneath the skin. This deep uniform heating action causes the deep
structures in the skin and underlying tissue to immediately tighten. Over time, new and remodeled
collagen is produced to further tighten skin and renew facial contours.
How long does the Thermage procedure take?
The Thermage procedure is a completely non-invasive, safe treatment that is performed only in a
doctor's office. Depending on the size of the area to be treated, the procedure may take as little as 20
minutes or up to two hours.
How many treatments will I need?
Unlike many laser procedures requiring four or more sessions, a single Thermage treatment produces
results in the majority of patients. Dr Serrao will determine the course of treatment that is right for
each patient, based on the patient's needs and goals.
When will I see results?
Immediate results are visible, and improve over time. Measurable tightening and contouring
improvements appear gradually over a two to six month time period following a single treatment
What does the Thermage procedure feel like?
With each touch of the ThermaTip device, the patient experiences a brief, deep heating sensation as
the CRF energy is delivered to the skin and underlying tissue. This deep heating sensation is an
indication that collagen is reaching effective temperatures for tightening. To protect the skin and make
the treatment more comfortable, the surface of the skin is cooled before, during, and after each
application of CRF energy. Patient feedback on the level of heat sensation experienced during the
procedure will help guide the doctor to balance procedural comfort with maximum results. The doctor
may offer light pain medications prior to treatment to minimize sensation. These options should be
discussed directly with the doctor as each patient's needs vary.
Is there any special preparation or follow-up regime?
No. Unlike surgery, there is no pre-procedure preparation, such as blood work or fasting required.
One can return to regular activities immediately following treatment and there is no special care after
treatment. Some patients exhibit a temporary redness or minor swelling after treatment, this usually
resolves within 24 hours. Good skin care and sunscreens are recommended as part of your regular
skin care regimen. The only signs of treatment are naturally smoother, younger, and healthier skin.
How long will the effects of the Thermage procedure last?
The Thermage procedure immediately tightens existing collagen and stimulates new natural collagen
production for up to six months following the treatment. Unpublished reports by experienced cosmetic
doctors indicate that results may last for years and are based on the patient's natural aging process.
Is the Thermage procedure safe?
The Thermage procedure has an excellent safety record. With over 190,000 estimated worldwide
patient treatments to date the reported incidence of side effects is less than 0.4%. The most
frequently reported incidents are classified as swelling, redness, bumps, and blisters on or around the
treated area. These side effects have disappeared in a few days or weeks. A rare (0.11%) but longer
lasting side effect described as a surface irregularity has also been reported. Consult with your
physician regarding this and any other questions you may have on the safety record of the Thermage
Is Thermage the only radiofrequency technology on the market today?
While there are other skin care technologies that use radiofrequency energy, only the Thermage
proprietary capacitive radiofrequency technology delivers deep uniform volumetric heating powerful
enough to naturally tighten and contour skin and underlying tissue. Also, Thermage achieves results
in a single treatment compared to other technologies requiring five or more treatment sessions.
How much does the Thermage procedure cost?
In the U.S., the procedure cost may range from $1,000 to $3,000 based on the areas treated. Our
patient care coordinator will discuss our fees with you at the time of the consultation.
TUMMY BY THERMAGE A naturally younger looking tummy
Introducing Tummy by Thermage™, a single treatment, noninvasive procedure that helps smooth, tighten and contour the
tummy without surgery or injections, and little to no downtime. Thermage® works by tightening
collagen deep in the skin and stimulates new collagen growth. Results vary from subtle to dramatic.
Generally, some improvement is immediately visible and continues up to six months. Results can last
for years depending on skin condition and the aging process.
For women who’ve just had a baby, lost weight or simply want younger looking skin, Tummy by
Thermage™ delivers results other non-invasive procedures can’t match.
Side effects are generally mild and may include redness, swelling, blisters, bumps and rare instances
of surface irregularities
According to a recent study nearly 90% of women experience some
degree of cellulite and demand for non-invasive cellulite treatments in
the U.S. is expected to nearly double to over 750,000 procedures per
year by 2011.
This treatment is ideal for patients who have tried diet and exercise or even other cellulite treatments
without success. Now they can benefit from:
A single treatment with no surgery, injections or downtime
Smoothing of dimples and improved skin texture
Long lasting results
By using new procedure guidelines and the ThermaTip CL treatment tip, collagen connective tissues
are restored and circulation is improved to help smooth skin and reduce the appearance of cellulite.
Results vary from subtle to dramatic. Generally improvements may be immediately visible and
continue to improve for up to six months. Results are long lasting and depend on your skin condition
and the aging process. We may recommend combination therapy with Endermologie for optimal
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